Social Butterfly award (doesn't have to have this name)
member has reached a certain number of lifetime shouts
member has reached a certain number of shouts within one reset
well its a lighter album with pretty much no screams, of course no Rev so they miss out on his vocals.
A lot of their songs in the past tell stories and aren't too repetitive, the new songs seem very...... mainstream/repetitive?
I can witness for both of them for this. I have seen nothing but good things from these two since they have joined. They both go above and beyond and there is so much promise from them for the future. I have seen them help countless members and they are always on. They almost rival Doc and I in activity!
Name/Gamertag: Kyle/KSI Kilamnjaro7
Rank (If applicable): 3rd Captain
Time spend on the forums Daily: I always have my forums tab open and explore forums throughout the day.
Experience in KSI: over a year in KSI. Been up to co-founder. Leave of absence for a couple months. Very active since return with no plans of leaving.
Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP: I have been in many situations that involve decision making. I will go by the book and do things properly and efficiently. I want to see people earn many awards but need the proper evidence to go with it all. I will give 7000 percent if not more to ensure I post in every single AAP thread/nomination I am allowed to.