Name: KSI Doctor 7/ BOD/ all
Link to Forums Account:
Award-/-Achievement: Dedicated, 3 years with a KSI gold tag
Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) I recruited Doc over 3 years ago and he has had a Gold KSI Tag for over 3 years now.
The rehab award. For those who get drunk and murder their friends list, and also change their gamertag. The. They awake the next morning like wtf, who did this?
Name: KSI Kilamnjaro7/Shadow Haven
Link to Forums Account:
Award-/-Achievement: Mad Max/Die Hard/Drama Queen
Reason-/-Evidence: Well............ Over the past week I have been banned from the forums 3 times. I am still here doing my best
I did lose it and send out a not so nice message and change my gamertag and go batshiz crazy.... Lost about 30 friends off my xbox friends list and made Queejess cry..... I am a terrible person...... gg