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Admin Guy
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Everything posted by Retired

  1. I'm going to guess that this is OS Lv. 1. Also, please provide witnesses to attest to this. Can you provide a more detailed description, please?
  2. Take nothing for granted, you never know when you are going to lose something, or someone that you love.

  3. Please provide witnesses to testify on behalf of the nominee.
  4. Don't live life on the edge, people have a tendency to jump off.

  5. Member Assistance: 2/3 One more witness, please.
  6. This will be the last time that I post on this topic, in light of the message I just recieved from the nominee. Since he cannot see or post on the topic, he has requested that Master Recruiter be dropped, and that he only be awarded Die Hard. As of right now, this is the final situation on the nomination. Die Hard: Yes Master Recruiter: Dropped
  7. Member assistance 1/3 2 More witnesses, please.
  8. Please provide 3 witnesses to verify this.
  9. Perfection is something without flaw, without error. So, how do we view a human as perfect? One could say that we are all flawed, but others could say that we are flawless; because, what truly defines a flawed person? What makes us so wrong for the image of perfection?

  10. There are awards for that: Forum Addict Member with more than 1000 posts on the forums And 20 days online. Wasted life Spend 50 days online on the forums with 1500 posts
  11. You tell me I have limitations, I tell you that you have no vision.

  12. Okay, man. You need to stop posting after every post in the AAP area. Like Impy said before, we want to avoid spam. So, please refrain from posting, unless you have additional evidence that can alter our views on the award being given out. Continued offenses can lead to one of the actions, below. 1. Closing of the current award nomination, and the award automatically being declined. 2. Continued offenses can lead to a ban from the AAP
  13. Member Assistance 2/3 One more witness please.
  14. Since Roman nominated you, his testimony is with the nomination. He isn't allowed to post any more on your behalf. Dr Doom 7 counts as 1. So please, gather more witnesses.
  15. My apologies, but I would like to see 2 others post on his behalf before I vote yes for Member assistance. The way I see it, anyone could come in here and say that the person asissted so many people. Not that I'm saying that Dr. Doom is lying in any way, I just believe that I need to see the testimony of multiple people, since it does say on the award description, "Must have 3 credible witnesses.". Trainer: Yes Member Assistance: 1/3
  16. HH: Yes OS Lv. 1: I would like to see the Founder or Div Leader post on this. If not, I would like to request that the award be dropped.
  17. Never mind, the nomination still stands. Die Hard: Yes Master Recruiter: More witnesses
  18. I'll add in my vote for Grifball, then. Grifball: Yes
  19. What is the situation on this award, now that the user is banned?
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