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Admin Guy
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Everything posted by Retired

  1. Since there has been a Co-Founder/Higher witness, there will be no more needed evidence. Trainer: Yes.
  2. I am the sexiest man in North Korea. ;)

  3. I believe that this is good enough. OS Lv. 1: Yes.
  4. Face the honest truth, you were never you. Now, be defiant, like the lion. Give them a fight that will open their eyes.

  5. Feeling like dog Poop dipped in sulfuric acid, and then said "Poop" being annihilated by a particle beam cannon.

  6. Oh dear God, I don't feel alive. When you're cut short of misery, will you pray it be the end?

  7. I can agree with this. Awards for CoD Elite would make sense, since we have all of these awards for Halo, like SWAT team, and SNIPER team. It would only make sense that Call of Duty fans/members be able to have something to call their own.
  8. One more witness from the squad or division leadership, and I'll say yes.
  9. Maybe another witness, I would like to be sure that Impy has truly gone insane.
  10. I'm cool like that.

  11. Please, provide witnesses to attest that ImPeRiiuM has gone off the deep end, into total insanity from dealing with KSI.
  12. I would like to see at least one more post from someone in the Nominee's squad, if that wouldn't be any hassle.
  13. The member that you are nominating is not currently eligible for this award. According to his forums account, he joined on June 25th of 2012. It is required that you be in KSI for a minimum of 6 months before this award can be applied for. If you can please wait until that date, and nominate said member again, that would be acceptable.
  14. The human mind, and heart can be a powerful tool. One with a great mind can conquer any trial thrown at him, over come any problem. One with a strong heart can feel many things, and even identify with almost everyone that they come in contact with. If strong in both mind, and heart...What could possibly stand in that person's way?

  15. My apologies for missing that, it is Lv. 1, now. Considering this, I believe that I have seen enough witnesses for this award, given that the current Founder and former Div-Leader has posted on this. OS Lv. 1: Yes
  16. For once in my life, I am legitimately happy.

  17. Since it is now Lv. 2, I'm going to need quite a few more witnesses. Preferably a director.
  18. My apologies, I must have missed your post. D: Still, I would like one or two more witnesses on this.
  19. i would like a couple more witnesses to post on this, including a Division Leader or higher.
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