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About KSIManchild666

  • Birthday 08/22/2003

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Pecan gap TX
  • Interests
    playin football ,doin powerliftin, and play xbox
  • Gamertag
    KSI Kakuzu
  • Date Recruited
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Contact Methods

  • Discord
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KSIManchild666's Achievements


Newbie (1/4)



  1. Team Captain:OTG Bubbles2 Division: ES Cerberus Teammate: lesspositive Division:ES Cerberus Teammate: KSIManchild Division:ES Cerberus
  2. Yeah that was me sorry didn't know I was logged out ^
  3. SGTGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Evanbop/SGT/Hydra/ESLink to forums account - @KSI EvanbopReasoning why they deserve this -This member has shown outstanding work to improve as a active member and is always eager to learn CaptainGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSIMommaBear/CPT/Hydra/ESLink to forums account - @KSIMommaBearReasoning why they deserve this -for a short time that we have had her she has mange to become a mother to all of us in Hydra and to climbs the ranks with outstanding work to show im glad to see her as my captain and or gen in the future LTGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Jewels/LT/Hydra/ESLink to forums account - @KSI JewelsReasoning why they deserve this - tho she has been in our staff for a short time he is a great help with keeping members happy and wanting to play but making sure our staff is well organized when it comes to our work General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Gambit 7/GEN/Hydra/ESLink to forums account - @KSI Gambit 7Reasoning why they deserve this -since coming out of retirement he has worked is way back up the ranks.despite all of us playin jokes with him we all have some laughs and he helps big time even with him balancing KSI and his family life i commend him big time
  4. yo yo id think R6 5v5 bomb would be killer so we get better action and views
  5. If u find this @KSI xLittio made me do this cuz he found my phone number
  6. Kami thx for the award but get sum sleep buddy✌
  7. Pubg because it has a more realistic vibe to it than fornite
  8. Hulu cuz i get all the animes
  9. Mexican cuz we love all our spicy food u know
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