Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Slick 7
Link to forums account - @KSI Slick 7
Reasoning why they deserve this - Slick's taken everything thrown his way, and ran with it. From overseeing and filling in for multiple divisions, to hanging out at game nights to get to know new people, he really does it all. He certainly earned his promotion to Senior Director, and I expect he'll maintain the same awesome pace he has since I've known him.
Division Leader
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Uppish 7, CS
Link to forums account - @KSI Uppish 7
Reasoning why they deserve this - Uppish did an amazing job balancing his own vacation, rising to the task to help me out once mine came up for the move across country, and continued to stay involved with the squads. He helped pave the way for me to take over his position, and certainly earned his promotion to Director. Being enshrined into the KSI Hall of Fame during Spirit Week proved that he his more than KSI material, and embodies what it means to be a member and leader of this community.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Kat 7, CS
Link to forums account - @KSI Kat
Reasoning why they deserve this - Kat's been amazing ever since stepping up to Co-Founder. She's personable, and knows how to relate with anyone she comes into contact with. She built and amazing squad in Rebellion, and carries that magic touch to the rest of the squads she interacts with. In my absence during the move, she really went above and beyond to help the officer staff and members in any way she possibly could, and I'm forever grateful for that! Keep up the amazing work!
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Nyquil 7, CS Oblivion
Link to forums account - @Nyquil
Reasoning why the deserve this - Sleepy really turned it around this month, found his motivation, and he's been killing it ever since! The squad and officers are making strides under his guidance, and I'm excited to see the leaders that will come from it. As the now H.o.E. he'll be an even bigger asset for not only CS, but the community as a whole.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Koda, CS Rebellion
Link to forums account - @KSI Koda
Reasoning why they deserve this - If we could bottle this man's drive and work ethic, and hand it out to squads community wide, we would have unrelenting growth and success for years to come. When I first met Koda, I knew he had the it factor, and he continues to prove as much every day. He goes above and beyond to help everyone around him, and bring then up every chance he has. His game nights are an absolute blast to be a part of, and his sense of humor makes it really easy for members to loosen up and have fun. Keep it up, and you'll go far!