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KSI xLittio

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Everything posted by KSI xLittio

  1. Gamertag: KSI xLittio Division: ES
  2. Senior Leader (SENIOR DIRECTOR through CEO) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Kakashii 77 | CSO | Board Link to forums account - @Kakashii 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - Kakashii's been doing an amazing job with everything he's working on. As the LC Coordinator, he's been helping to keep topics going and continues to give great output every LC meeting. As the owner of the community server, he's done a great job with the revamping of it and keeps it updated as much as he can. He's been doing a great job and keeps improving everyday. Forum Staff (ADMIN/MODS/DEPARTMENT HEADS) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Kanao 7 | News Head | Dept ops Link to forums account - @KSI Kanao 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Kanao has been doing fantasic work in the news team, and got promoted to News head for that reason. She's always trying to help and make sure everyone is doing ok, which really helps boots the moral of the team. She's been a massive help to me improving how I write, and I honestly couldn't ask for a better News head. She keeps doing her thing everyday, and has really improved the News Team. Department Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Sleepy | News Writer | Dept ops Link to forums account - @Sleepy Reasoning why they deserve this - Since Sleepy has joined the News Team he has been going head on into everything. It's been a blast to have him with everything he's done, and it really showing himself to be a great Writer. He's always ready for a challenge and gets his work done in a timely manner. Has just been great to have on the news team, and really shows that teamwork attitude.
  3. If you ask Rick Astley for a DVD of the movie “Up”, he will not give it to you because he is Never Gonna Give You Up. However by not giving you Up, even though you asked for it, he is letting you down. The Astley Paradox. Also... Go WD!
  4. Team Captain: KSI xLittio Division: WD Teammate: KSI Shadow007 Division: WD Teammate: KSI DC 7 Division: CS
  5. I've worked with Airborne a few times since I've been in KSI, and every time I have it's been a blast. Airborne is one of those leaders who knows what they are talking about and isn't afraid to tell the truth to anyone, he brings a really good presence when working with him, and you know stuff is going to be done. One of the first times I worked with him some was in Web ops for something small and a very small, but even then it was really good to get to talk to him and see how he works with others. Another time I was able to work with him was in news and it was the same way. Airborne is a great dude and a fantastic leader. He deserves to be on the board for everything he's done, and without any question, this award.
  6. DC is one of those leaders you've seen do everything he can, and boy does he deserve this award for all the work he's fulfilled. One of the main reasons that come back to me is when he was in WD. He came over to WD when it was in a terrible situation, and helped out where he could. I got to see his work and what he did with Anarchy, if it wasn't for him, that squad would've been dead, but that work did have a tool. At that time, WD people were all over the place. He was one of the main people some of the officers and gens went to. A situation happened where he was kinda put under the spot, and if it was someone else they would've quit. Not DC. He put himself out there and kept going and got the work that needed to be done, in the end, if it wasn't for him, some parts of WD would not be here. KSI DC 7 is someone that's been there through thick and thin, been in the trenches. The H.O.E of KSI has been through it.
  7. Forum Staff (ADMIN/MODS/DEPARTMENT HEADS) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI MeShell 7 Link to forums account - @KSI MeShell 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Shell has been an amazing helping hand and has been great as a senior forums mod. Shell still helps us in the join area when we need it, and doesn't just sit on a high horse which is such a great thing to see. The join area is a little slow right now, but that doesn't stop Shell from getting the work done. Awesome to work with her, and brings a great attitude to the team.
  8. Uppish has has been around this community for a long time. He is one of those people to get work done, and then have fun later in his own way. Every time I have seen him work he does it with respect, and with intent to get it done. I've been able to work with uppish in two areas, in the news team and web ops. In the news team uppish was a great head and always helped me out when I needed it, and really kept the news alive and in some ways thriving. He was very short and simple with training me which helped a lot in the long run. In web ops he hasn't been here for very long, but has been doing excellent work in the past few weeks he's been here. He's always eager to pick up an application, also communicates with the team well and shares for love around. In all uppish can been a great leader from when I've worked with him and I think it going to be a great join mod. Uppish deserves this outstanding service for more then what i've listed above I imagine, and I think his time in departments and help running a division is also a very good reason to get this award.
  9. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI HARLEY 7 | WD Link to forums account - @KSI HARLEY 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Harley has been working around the clock in WD trying to get it back to where it was. She's been doing a great job delegating work to the co-founders, leaving her room to play and interact with the members. She's been pushing through a lot and has shown great will power within this month, and promoting 2 great co-founders in the process. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI N8iV 406 | WD | Vanquish Link to forums account - @KSI N8iV 406 Reasoning why the deserve this -N8iV has just recently become a general (Which is about time) and has been doing an outstanding job at it. Every day N8iV is with his squad and available, hanging around members and making the squad really feel like a family again. It's good to finally see him become a gen and WD got a strong general in the process, they picked the right man to run and lead this squad. Forum Staff (ADMIN/MODS/DEPARTMENT HEADS) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI DarkAngel 7 | Moderator Link to forums account - @KSI DarkAngeI 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - I've been able to work with dark for a few months now and she is a great moderator. With her having knowledge of the game section, and join mod area, she has been able to work on both side's problems and give a helping hand when needed. She is always there when she can be and keeps the chats interactive and fun, and puts some great conversation topics in the process of her doing the work required.
  10. Information on Nominee: Department: News Gamertag: KSI Tea 7 Link to Profile: @KSI Tea 7 Qualifications: Nominee’s Current Rank: New co-head Has Nominee been in this department for at least six (6) months? yes Has Nominee been in KSI for at least one (1) year? yes Awards: News staff OTM Testimony: Tea has been a great help in the news area since i've been in this department. She was helping uppish since the very beginning and helped me when I first joined. I first started out with not much knowledge of the area at all, I was never intrested in news until I was told about it and gave it a shot. Now with her and the leader's help i've like the department more and more, i'm able to get my opnion out there and have met good people on the way. Tea has always brightened up the atmosphere. Now she can be serious when it comes down to it, but in all she helps make conversations enjoyable and it helps me put more effort into articles i'm writing. When I do make mistakes she does let me know, but i've never onced been talked down to by here and I think that's something not many people have the quality of doing. In all she has been an immense help to news and i'm look forward to working with her and putting out more articles for the site.
  11. Information on Nominee: Position:Head Admin Gamertag:KSI Dropshot 7 Link to Profile: @Mr. DropShot Qualifications: Nominee’s Current Rank: Has Nominee been in Web Ops for at least six (6) months? Yes Has Nominee been in KSI for at least one (1) year? Yes x8 Awards:Triple Threat, OS 1,2, 3, Forums staff OTM 1&2, Dept. Head OTY, Forums Staff OTY Runner up Testimony: Dropshot is someone I didn't expect to meet in my time in KSI but I did. I joined the join area just in hopes of learning about it, and it became more due to dropshot and how he drives the join area. I first met I was able to work with him was with an app with some interesting history. He handled the situation well and I didn't feel like I needed to be uptight to him. He is welcoming in most cases and helps relax an environment when it's already tense. He's a great guy all in all and it's great to see him more active the more I go up the chain. His input helps out situations a lot and looks into apps more then people think, having that step up can really make or break a good area. I'm so glad I get to work with him and see him move up to where he wants to be.
  12. King has always been a higher up since I've been in KSI. When he was still a director in WD I was there, he ran the div like no other director did after he left and became head admin. I think there's one excellent quality about king that makes him deserve this award: his drive. I've seen king here since I join around a year ago, but never once did I see him give up on Anything he worked on. Since the day I got recruited i've seen him work obstacles, big and small, and sometimes it just takes a little him more time but he's always gotten over it. When I joined web ops his knowledge of the area really was still in there even if he just popped in the chat semi-frequently. One of the biggest challenges i've seen king face was when more then half of the 7s in WD left. That morning king went from a sgt in Malice, to a co-found/div leader. In the time he was there he helped me with a few issues in my squad, but what I admire is just he went to work on it. I knew they were a little close since the 7s that left were his staff when he was a director, so seeing him be there and kicking ass really helped me push to not give up. From all the sides i've seen of king,his commitment and drive to this community gives the more then enough to earn the die hard award, he's been through the thick and thin and now leads this community. He's got the team on his back, and is trying to lead KSI into a better tomorrow.
  13. Team Captain: KSI xLittio Division: WD Teammate: Fires#3790 Division: N/A Teammate: Rage#3146 Division: WD Team captain Discord : Litperson24/7#3240
  14. I've been working under kakashii for a decent time now, and this man is a well round great leader. He has always been interested in learn the community and every part about it, which makes him pretty knowledgeable about most things in the community. I was able to work with him mostly in web ops when he was a join mod, and he had some great work ethic and stayed on top on what he was doing, and it's been showing through every conversation I've had with him. Ready and equipped to be a great leader, kakashii deserves this for more then one reason, and I think he's shown that he is more then worthy for this award.
  15. Dropshot is someone that i've looked up to for a while now, I met him and worked with him when he was still a senior forums mod, and since then he has shown time and time again that he is a great leader. He's always professional when dealing with situations and tries to help when there's ever a question in the chat, and likes to crack a joke a few times to help ease the atmosphere which makes working a lot easier. He is also one of the few leaders willing to speak his mind and saying how it is, which is something that helps things move faster and helps out everyone in the end. Dropshot is an amazing leader and proves to be, and him being the head admin shows that, with helping every single day. He deserves this OS and should already have OS 3 months ago.
  16. DC is a great leader, he expresses opinions that has helped out the community, he lead multiple squads into being successful, and has trained some great leaders that have been in this community. Every single time I see dc doing ksi work he does it with passion, with intent to make where he is in ksi better by the day, and almost always tries to welcome people into the community. I worked with dc in news for a short time, but while he was there he made news great to. DC still has a gigantic fight left in him, and him being the head of education he will show that and in the end changed ksi to bring it to a better light. He is a great man and he's been deserving of this award long before today.
  17. Blitz is one of those people who is the definition of lead by example. When I first got to work with him we didn't do a lot together, but slowly overtime I saw him work his butt off in the join area. This man was always taking apps when he was a join mod and always answered the questions that he could answer. Then when he made it to senior join mod he worked even harder and guided this whole team and helped it to where it is today with all of his knowledge passed down. When he came back to clan ops, he did have a rocky start. But now it seems like there's something new in there now, like getting a pair of new shoes or getting some fresh cloths. He's been chugging his way to the top and I can't wait to see him go to where he wants, for blitz right now, skies the limit.
  18. Category:Senior leader Gamertag:KSI TexAngel 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI TexAngel 77 Reasons they deserve this award: Tex angel has been a great senior Director since she's been in WD, she has helped me and the whole of WD with staying alive and rebuilding. She's put people in seats that deserved them long ago, help get healthy squads in place, and has helped me when i've needed it the most. Almost every time I see her she's always doing something, and in the process helps people around her for them to learn to. Tex saved WD and for that alone she deserves this award. Category:Co-Founder Gamertag: KSI HARLEY 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Harleygirl Reasons they deserve this award: Harley is a great co-founder, I first met her when she was a gen and for then on she has been the most passionate person I know, in the online setting and real life. She's boosted the moral of WD and has always been there, she can be give great advice, it might harsh advice but it's gets down to the point which is something we need more of. Harley did great work in her squad and now she's spreading that all over the division and I can't wait to see what she does next, sky is not the limit for her. Category:General Gamertag: KSI Boootz Forums Account Link / @: @Boootz Reasons they deserve this award: Boootz has been a general for some time now but she's been running her squad even before that. Her squad was not looking the best for a bit, but now with her leadership she has guided it into something new and bigger then before, while still trying to keep the family attitude that it's always had. She is very passionate with what she does and is a great general and will be a great 7. Category: Forums Staff Gamertag: KSI BLITZ11 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Blitz11 Reasons they deserve this award: Blitz is a great mod for many reasons, I saw him do his work as a senior join mod and that work ethic made a great moderator. When you go to him for advice he's always been there to respond, and will say it how it is.If your trying to get something done and he catches your not doing something, I assure you he'll tell you and he'll help you fix it, when someone says "no man left behind" he means it. Even when your in trouble he'll make sure you know what you did wrong and make sure to help you not make that mistake again, he's a great moderator and always helps the areas he's over a little better.
  19. Forum Staff (ADMIN/MODS/DEPARTMENT HEADS) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI VENUM 7 | Senior Forums Moderator Link to forums account - @VENUM 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Venum has ran the join section since i've been here and has done a great job in doing so. He's been a great help with motivating the whole team into succeeding and help keep the join area moving and healthy, he does get a little scary at times but he only does it so we can keep moving and be a better team all together. Senior Leader (SENIOR DIRECTOR through CEO) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI TexAngel 77 Link to forums account - @KSI TexAngel 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - Tex is a woman of many talents, being a fantastic leader is one of them. She is one of the most strongest woman I know and she's now helping lead two divisions to greatness, and does it in her own great way. She can be a very scary leader at times but she truly has a difference between personal and ksi life. One of the greats I look up to and she's a great person to hang with. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xSpartan#181| SGT | WD | Samurai | Link to forums account - @SPARTAN MAN1911 Reasoning why they deserve this - Spartan is one of those people who tries to help in any way he cans. He's one of the very few people I know that is one the spectrum and seems like a joyful normal person. Everytime you get into a party with him he greets you and almost never leaves someone out. He's a great guy and someone who I do look up to sometimes.
  20. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Swag 77 | WD&SL| Link to forums account - @KSI Swag 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - Swag since the time has gotten into WD has changed a lot of what was going on, and it did make a shift in WD, but he did it in a good way. So far he has been helping with everyone going on in WD and has helped the generals with their squads, with helping get fluff out, to giving advice to all of them. He's a good guy and is always fun to hang out to, he's been one of the better directors i've seen over this division. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI HARLEY 7 | WD | Link to forums account - @KSI Harleygirl Reasoning why they deserve this - Harley has been through a decent amount of struggles in the time i've seen her in WD. With her original division being shutdown, to her going through a lot when she was a general, she's one tough lady. The time she has been co founder she has always hit the ground running, with her wanting to help around alot and giving a solid amount of motivation to people, helping them along the way. She's been an amazing help to WD and without her, WD wouldn't be what it was today. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Akame 7 | WD / Anarchy | Link to forums account - @KSI Akame 7 Reasoning why the deserve this - Akame from what i've seen has been a great general for what he's got. With him and his staff they were able to bring his squad back from almost dying and shutting down, which was amazing to see. He hangs out with his people a decent bit and is almost always available. He's been in his seat for a while and with that also can give out a lot of useful information, he's a good dude and hopefully will be able to see him before a co founder. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Spvrkle |WD / Vanquish| Link to forums account - @KSI Spvrkle Reasoning why they deserve this - Spvrkle has been an amazing LT since the day i've been a general. When I was brought up it wasn't like how most gens got their spot, she has been a big help with everything. With helping reach out to older members, to her going out and doing gamenights, she has been a great help and I couldn't be running my squad without her help. SSGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI LEGION |WD / Vanquish| Link to forums account - @KSI LEGION Reasoning why they deserve this - Legion has been an amazing staff sergeant since i've been here, he was an amazing general and due to that work he's in KSI Hall of Fame. That knowledge has gone above and beyond as a SSGT. He grew up in the squad i'm and he has been a big help with having people not be fluff and has always kept and helped this squad with it being the best it can be. Forum Staff (ADMIN/MODS/DEPARTMENT HEADS) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI VENUM 7 |Senior Forums Mod| Link to forums account - @VENUM 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Venum is someone who you can go to for a million things and he can tell you a million more. He is one of the most knowledgeable people I know in ksi. Every single time i've come to him, asking a question, he's always there to answer and pass down a small bit of that knowledge. He's a great leader in the webs ops side and understands a lot about what he's doing, a really cool dude and it's for the most part has made the web ops side of things a little bit less stressful.
  21. Starset is one hell of a mod. This guy has been in his spot for a while but has almost always help, every question I came to him for had an answer. When he's not doing any of that he's also a really cool guy to hang around which is a big bonus, and i've even seen him turn to "business" at a flip of a switch. When he's not doing that he's being one hell of a head in AAP, yes I haven't been able to work with him there but from an outside point of view he's been doing a lot, of course with all of this he does need to have time management which is something he does got. Starset has always been a good person and I know he definitely deserves this for all the work he's done.
  22. Swag, Swag, Swag... Man this man is something else. Not only have I've seen him been an officer since I've been here, he's also been one of the longest captains I've seen. This guy has been putting in work for I don't know how long, he's chill and always willing to play with members. Every time I see him do stuff he does his own way, but in a way he gets stuff done. In 2 weeks time I've been him with the help of his officer staff and general bring his whole squad from ashes to a squad to hold their own.He's been hardworking and always trying to do what's best for his squad, when I was going up the ranks to become what I am today I took some of his work and shaped it into my own style. Can't wait to see what this guy does and see him make his own squad one day!
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