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  • Birthday 11/18/1993

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    North Carolina
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    KSI HIPPARU (CPT)#6049
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  1. I can attest to KSI Kakashii 77 being my mentor since day one of me even showing interest in becoming an officer. This man has dealt with my dumb questions at all hours of the day. This man has been there all the time for me. And has helped me become the leader I am today
  2. Gamertag / Forums Name: KSI SharkZ @KSI SharkZ Award: Squad Leadership Any evidence if required: KSI SharkZ attending this workshop
  3. Gamertag / Forums Name: KSI Gh0stie/ @KSI Gh0stie Award: Forums Any evidence if required: attended workshop that i hosted
  4. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI BRIM/ @KSI BRIM KSI Drastic/ @DrasticXx KSI Gonzo/ @KSI Gonzo Award: Squad Leadership/ Forums Any evidence if required: attended both workshops listed above
  5. Gamertag / Forums Name: Bulldog Pierce @Bulldog Pierce KSI Halios @KSI Nagato Award: Squad Leadership Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too): Attended workshop
  6. KSI Rogue 7 has the type of leadership I aspire to have everyday! This man has truly made SL a great place to call home. I continue to learn from him on a weekly if not daily basis, and will continue to grow my knowledge as a leader from him. Rogue is always in and out of parties, constantly hosting workshops on a divisional level, and even checking in with the members and leaders in SL. Rogue has somewhat recently started the Divisional Tournament Council (DTC) and is continuing to grow it. This is comprised of the input of the members STRAIGHT from SL and that's what I love about it. Rogue puts so much effort in training, member retention, the DTC, and being a 7 and somehow makes it seem effortless with his knowledge of KSI and leadership in general. I've gotten to know Rogue over the last few months and not only is he a great leader within SL, but he is an awesome person to know! He's always so polite and sincere, and has been there to talk to me when I needed it. Rogue is always there to respond to any questions or concerns I may have, and is willing to take the time out of his day to be there to fully explain something if I have questions. This man has most definitely gone above and beyond multiple times just for me, and that's not to mention all the other members he continues to help and train daily!
  7. Gamertag: KSI Kakashii 77 Forums: @Kakashii 77 Award: Award senpai Meta: praise be thy cat Evidence: member has 70 awards
  8. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Swag 77- (Division Leader, SL) Link to forums account - @KSI Swag 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - KSI Swag 77 is CONSTANTLY party hopping, and he checks up on his members to make sure they are doing well. Swag is always willing to help the members of SL with any questions we may have no matter how small they are. Almost every time that I send him a message or party invite he replies immediatly. It is extremly rare that it takes any time longer than about five minutes to get back to me. I always see him going through and knocking out the new recruits security checks, and is the first to post a welcome post in our casual channel of discord. You can tell this man loves the rank and division he is in! Swag puts forth the effort that SL needs and deserves! Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI DC 7- (Co-Founder, Prestige/SL) Link to forums account - @KSI DC 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - KSI DC 7 is a very attentive Co-Founder. He has helped train a member when he was in a party with me the member I was training. I see him Party hopping, helping manage squads as an acting gen, and still helping Prestige grow as a sqaud. This man is doing everything in his power to make SL a great division to call home! He has also had a hand in giving me some training this month! DC is a person I can see doing great things for this community and its members. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Kakashii 77- (General, Prestige/SL) Link to forums account - @Kakashii 77 Reasoning why the deserve this - I constantly see KSI Kakashii 77 working on member retention, assisting in the training of other officers, as well as doing his daily duties as a general. Kakashii has been helping his members with name changes when they show interest, and helping another member buy a game. Kakashii doesn't just treat you like a number, he treats you like family. Kakashii has taken me under his wing to the full extent ever since I was a SGT. I am constantly asking questions on ways to improve myself and the squad, and no matter how big or how small the question is he is ALWAYS there to help answer all of them! This month Kakashii has pushed all of his officers to their full extent and throwing some challenges our way. This man has risen to the challenge multiple times just in the 4 months I have been in KSI. He has been given tasks that would have probably made other Generals wince, and he never blinked an eye. This man is definitely a force to be reckoned with. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIxBLACKOUT- (LT, Prestige/SL) Link to forums account - @KSIxBLACKOUT Reasoning why they deserve this - KSIxBLACKOUT has show so much improvement this month with his activity in the squad, he has been working on his roles as an officer, and improving on his knowledge in KSI and about the community. This man stayed up until 4 AM doing a full squad security, and is constantly asking questions to better his officer skills. Blackout came to me personally because he was ready to learn the duties of the next rank. I see a very bright future for Blackouts KSI career.
  9. We use my father in laws and he uses our Hulu! Win win.
  10. Yeah. That was more my dads doing. The scorpions were cool, but the spiders nah, I’m good. @KSI Rogue 7
  11. Gamertag / Forums Name: KSI HIPPARU/ @KSI HIPPARU Award: Forums Newb Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too): Member has reached 100 forums posts.
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