Gamertag / Forums Name KSI N8iV 406(gt)// KSI N8iV 406(forums)
Award Forums Certification
Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) i KSI xRELICx Gen of MALICE WD hosted the workshop
Profile Link if possible
Gamertag/Forums Name KSI Sniper
Award Desired/Needed Forums certified
Evidence (If Required - For these certifications it is your attendance log and posting in the AAP section of the forums) I KSI xRELICx hosted the workshop
Link to forums profile
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ALUSEAN (SSGT WD/MALICE)
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Reasoning why they deserve this - This officer has demonistrated the desire to learn and progress as a part of our officer team. He was recently a SSGT and during that time he did a great job focusing on the main part of being a SSGT which is learning. now he is a LT in our squad and i can see great things coming from him. power through ALUSEAN keep up the great work.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xLittio (CPT WD/MALICE)
Link to forums account -
Reasoning why they deserve this - he demonstrates what we want to see from an officer. he is an amazing leader who keeps everyone on their toes and directs them in the right path to succeed. he has been my right hand ever since he became an officer. i am very proud at how far he has come.
Gamertag/Forums Name KSI Shadow95
Award Desired/Needed Squad Leadership
Evidence (If Required - For these certifications it is your attendance log and posting in the AAP section of the forums) I KSI xRELICx hosted the workshop
Link to forums profile
Gamertag/Forums Name GT: KSI xLittio / FORUMS:KSI xLittio
Award Desired/Needed Squad leadership
Evidence (If Required - For these certifications it is your attendance log and posting in the AAP section of the forums) I KSI xRELICx hosted the workshop
Link to forums profile
Award Desired/Needed Squad leadership
Evidence (If Required - For these certifications it is your attendance log and posting in the AAP section of the forums) I KSI xRELICx hosted the workshop
Link to forums profile
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -
Link to forums account -
Reasoning why they deserve this- he has been a very active officer and is eager to teach new officers coming in. he is always trying to have a positive attitude no matter what comes his way. if there is something he doesnt know or is confused about he actively asks questions and no matter the rank thqat is a really good quality for an officer and i think thats sets a good example for the SSGT as well as myself cause we all learn from each other everyday no matter our rank we never stop learning and that is the attitude Wrathom shows every single day. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK.
ever since i got accepted into KSI in late january KSI xKami 77 has been a great gen. he has day in and day out on the website and is always making sure awards are going to the ones who earned them. i am personally proud to bear his award on my banner. i am proud to have been here to see him become a senior join mod and become a court judge. i am very proud of my gen. having him leading the forums makes KSI as a whole stronger.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI xLittio LTN WD/MALICE
Link to forums account -
Reasoning why they deserve this - He has gone above and beyond in the past few weeks as a LTN. when hes needed he is always there to help and when someone recently had to go on LOA he really stepped up to the plate and made MALICE proud filling both roles and i would be proud if he got this. thx KSI xLittio ur amazing stay LIT
Link to Forums Account: @KSI xRELICx
Award-/-Achievement: Legen
Reason-/-Evidence: i have 5 awards on the forums
Staff Award Requested: (Included only with Meta Awards category)
Heart and Soul
Kaneki has trained me in many apsects of being an officer and has answered many of my numerous questions in the road to Leutinant im really glad to have a person in KSI who is always there when u need him.