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Everything posted by Boootz

  1. Category: Senior Leader (SNDR) Gamertag: KSI TexAngel 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI TexAngel 77 Reasons they deserve this award: Tex is a great mentor and I hope to one day be like her. She is a great person and leader. If you go to her workshop be sure to take notes because she is great. She helped save WD and I'm glad to have her as our director/acting div lead. Category: Co-Founder Gamertag: KSI HARLEY 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Harleygirl Harley has been here for WD. After losing our 7s staff she stepped up and carried us and trained new people. She, aswell as Tex, are the reason we are still here, I am proud to have her as my co-fo and friend. She gives great advice and is always there if you are having issues. Category: Gen Gamertag: KSI IrishEmu Forums Account Link / @: @KSI IrishEmu Irish is my Gen buddy, He's pretty great and is always there if I have a question to ask him or a Cross-Squad event I want to host. He even catches my mistakes (Which I never make) Irish deserves it BIG Time. Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI BLITZ11 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Blitz11 Blitz is my right hand man in Clan ops and my mentor in web ops. I have had the joys of rebuilding a squad with him and I can't say Samurai would be where we are without him. Hes also a great mentor in Web ops but I'm glad to have him as a friend, mentor, and a Captain. Category: Member Gamertag: KSI Spartan Forums Account Link / @: @SPARTAN MAN1911 Spartan is AWESOME and might be the sweetest guy in KSI. He's great to have around and I love to play games with him, He is truely the Life of the party. Category: Forums Staff Gamertag: KSI Venum 7 Forums Account Link / @: @VENUM 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Venum got me into the web ops ways and he helped me learn the ways of web ops. To him I am grateful because I love web ops and look forward to working with him for awhile. Category: Department Head Gamertag: KSI Starset 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Starset 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Starset was a helpful when I was looking at joining AAP. He is a great department head and is very passionate with what he does. He is also a great mod and is very helpful.
  2. Forum Staff (ADMIN/MODS/DEPARTMENT HEADS) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI VENUM 7 (Senior Forums Moderator) Link to forums account - @VENUM 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - A few months ago I talked to Venum about becoming a Join Mod. He helped me fill out an application and then I was interviewed then I was hired. He has helped me several times and even though He's a senior Forums mod he has always taken the time to help me and teach me things. Between him, KSI Blitz11, and KSI xLittio I have learned alot and continue to learn everyday. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to be a join mod. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI SPARTAN#181 Link to forums account - @SPARTAN MAN1911 Reasoning why they deserve this - Spartan.... He is one of the sweetest guys I know, He is the life of the party, he is always making me as well as everyone else laugh. He is a truly Special guy, He is a protector and a loving friend. I am happy to call him my friend.
  3. Division: WD 1. Team Captain: KSI xRENEGADEx 2. Gamertag of Rep: KSI Boootz 3. Gamertag of Rep: Sinisterwolf 4.Gamertag of Rep: KSI BigDaddy
  4. I’ve known Lit for quite awhile now and I see greatness in him all the time. He’s always willing to help. He puts his personal stuff on the side to help members. Recently he’s been training me to be a join mod and he’s been nothing but helpful. Lit really is a great guy and member. He’s honest, he's not afraid to admit when he’s wrong, he’s hardworking and he always wants to learn more and better himself. It’s always a pleasure working with him.
  5. I’d like to shout out Goowp”, he is a new member and he recently transferred and it didn’t phase him. Thank you @Goowp for being such a good member!
  6. Gamer tag-KSI Boootz Forums account- @Boootz New Member Certified Evidence- attended Witnesses- @KSI xLittio
  7. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Gruntier 7 S Link to forums account - @KSI Gruntier 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Gruntier you're always fun to be around, You're always able to answer my questions and even though you pick on me you're always there to help me. Thank You for sitting in on my first meeting! Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xRogue 77 WD Link to forums account - @KSI xRogue 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - Rogue, You've made this transition ALOT easier, You've answered all of my many questions, Thank you for all the help on the sheets and everything else. You are a great Founder. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Majesty 7 Link to forums account - @KSI Majesty 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Majesty is always there for me, She has been helping me learn more and more about KSI. She is also a great person to vent to, she will listen and try to give you advice. I know she is always there for me for both KSI and Non KSI related things, I know I can count on her as much as she can on me. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI HARLEYGIRL Link to forums account - @KSI Harleygirl Reasoning why the deserve this - Harley or better known as Mama Harley is the mama bear in our squad. She is there for EVERYONE, She welcomes everyone and her party is always full, She is a great General and I hope to be like her one day. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI MR MOTO Link to forums account - @KSIxMotoMoto Reasoning why they deserve this - He helps me and gives me advice, He is always down to meet members and is always trying to work despite his schedule. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xSpartan Link to forums account - @SPARTAN MAN1911 Reasoning why they deserve this - Spartan is the best person you will meet, he is loving, protecting, and overall so fun. I think he's so funny and always a joy to be around. I Love you Spartan!!
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