Category: General
Gamertag: KSI Rogue 7
Forums: @KSI Rogue 7
Reasons they deserve this award:
KSI Rogue has been such an inspiring leader in KSI. He took on the role of Acting Gen in Prestige and has taken a lot of time in training myself and KSI Dea7thwish to become better leaders and given us the tools to run a squad and be role models in our community.
He is hard working, dedicated and always there if you need to talk. He deserves this! He has really put a lot of time, love, compassion, dedication to SL. I have already learned so much from Rogue and he deserves this award to show recognition to all his amazing achievements in SL.
Thank you Rogue for all you have accomplished with Prestige and training me to become so passionate about my position and guiding me to be the best I can be. You ROCK!