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KSI StarFire

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KSI StarFire last won the day on March 29 2023

KSI StarFire had the most liked content!

About KSI StarFire

  • Birthday 05/17/1997

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  1. When it comes to StarWars I’ve always enjoyed the first couple of movies the last ones are hard for me to enjoy and I’m not sure why. But I do also enjoy the series called the Mandalorian my favorite character for this series is obviously Guru
  2. Gamertag: KSI StarFire @KSI StarFire Awards: Forums Newb Evidence has over 200 posts on the forums Friendly Evidence has won the day 4 times Round of Applause Has currently 36 awards on the Forums Three Cheers Currently has 36 awards on the forums Supp Meta: Identity Crisis Supp Meta: Airborne's Legion
  3. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Hatter 77 (WD) Link to forums account - @Hatter 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - I believe KSI Hatter77 deserves this award because she had positively encouraged me throughout my time at KSI, especially when I started going up the chain of command. She is a very positive woman and a person I've grown close to throughout the years, and she has become a part of my family. She cares about every squad in KSI and is always there to help; she is happy to get dirty with you. She's a great asset to the team. Gen Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) KSI Path 7 (Vanquish, WD) Link to forums account - @KSI Path 7 Reasoning why they deserve this- I believe they have earned this award because they always put their squad first, no matter how much they struggle. He's a nice guy to hang out with when he's not overly busy with other things, but he'll take the time to sit and chat and make his members feel important and noticed. CPT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) KSI xSmitty (Carnage, WD) Link to forums account - @KSI xSmitty Reasoning why they deserve this- He's an amazing individual and super easy to be around. He's always caring and there to lend a helping hand. He's always happy to bring our squads together and hang out. He's also been an amazing officer over these past few months; I've been able to watch him grow into one of the best officers I've seen in a while. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) KSI JaxyBoi (Vanquish, WD) Link to forums account - @KSI JaxyBoi Reasoning why they deserve this- Ohhh, man, where do I start with this guy? He is literally so much fun to just chill, hang out with, and even chat with. He has a lot to learn as an officer, but he's an overall great guy. Did I mention he's a class clown, lol? In all seriousness, he cares about his squad and Div and does what he can to help; I love his drive and how he continues to push forward. SSGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Sungazer 7 (Abaddon, WD) Link to forums account - @KSI Sungazer 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - I believe they have earned this award because he spends time hoping parties and getting to know people. He's a great guy to hang out with and has a thirst to help his squad and Div. He also hangs out with other squads in the Div and gives a listening ear when needed. If you haven't met him yet, your honestly missing out. He's also determined and doesn't let things bother him too much. He's always willing to try to do things that would benefit the Div.
  4. Don’t really have anything set in stone for traditions. But we are doing a Easter egg hunt and eating some good food.
  5. Date: 3/28/23 Host: KSI Nugget65 Co-Host: KSI StarFire Award- Advance Training Certified Forums Name- @KSI X@KSI Hells Evidence-Completed Advance Training Workshop which was given by myself
  6. Date: 3/28/23 Host: KSI StarFire Co-Host: KSI Nugget65 Award- Forums Certified Forums Name- @KSI Hells@KSI X Evidence- Completed Forums Workshop which was given by myself Date: 3/28/23 Host: KSI StarFire Co-Host: KSI Nugget65 Award- Rank Structure Certified Forums Name- @KSI X@KSI Hells@KSI 30thMidget Evidence-Completed Rank Structure Workshop which was given by myself
  7. Date: 3/1/23 Host: KSI StarFire Award - Basic Training Certified Forums Name - @KSI 30thMidget Evidence - Completed Basic Training Workshop Date: 3/1/23 Host: KSI StarFire Award- Recruiting Certified Forums Name- @KSI 30thMidget Evidence- Completed Recruiting Workshop Date: 3/14/23 Host: KSI StarFire Award- Forums Certified Forums Name- @KSI 30thMidget Evidence- Completed Forums Workshop
  8. Date: 03/13/23 Host: KSI StarFIre Gamertag: KSI Hells Forums Name / link: @KSI Hells Award: Recruiting Certified Evidence: Member completed the recruiting Workshop. Date: 3/1/23 Host: KSI Rita 7 Award - Basic Training Certified Forums Name - @KSI Hells Evidence - Completed Basic Training Workshop with KSI Rita 7; I was present during the workshop
  9. Captain's GT: KSI StarFire Division (if applicable): WD Teammate 1 GT: HellsGamer21 Division (if applicable): WD Teammate 2 GT: ShadoWolf Division (if applicable): WD Alt: Mamatank Division: WD
  10. Date: 1/23/23 Type of Lobby: Basic Training Workshop Host: KSI StarFire Attendance: KSI Mystic @KSIMystic Evidence: I hosted the workshop it's posted in our Activity log in Discord.
  11. Date: 1/17/23 Type of Lobby: New Member Workshop Host: KSI StarFire Attendance: KSI Biddulph 7 @KSI Biddulph KSI Mystic @KSIMystic Evidence:
  12. My goal is to continue to grow WD along with getting my bachelors degree this coming year.
  13. I think the one that’s special is seeing my sons face light up when he sees everything under the tree. We make cookies every year on Christmas Eve or on Christmas Adam depending on what needs to be done
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