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About KSI DEATH 77

  • Birthday 07/02/1990

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    KSI DEATH 77
  • Date Recruited
  • Squad
    ES CO-FO
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    KSI DEATH 77#5753

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  1. So y’all voting before it’s closed that just seems wrong. I’m getting really tired of seeing @KSI Rogue 7 getting railroaded. He does so much for this community spends so much time like me stressing about trying to keep division running. I would really like to have a good sit down figure out what’s going on and everyone problem is with him.
  2. It is like that. when did it close
  3. GT: @KSI Rogue 7 Award: Bright Idea Evidence: I would like to nominate @KSI Rogue 7for this award he spent 6 weeks building the community server that we are use in KSI no one else tried to build something like this for the whole community and it being Utilized by everyone for different reason. He turned it over to other 7 staff after he got it ready for everyone. If anyone deserves this award it’s him.
  4. Senior Director: KSI TexAngel 7 Gamertag: @KSI TexAngel 77 Forums Link: Reasons they deserve this award: Tex did a great job with bringing ES back from the rut we were in. She brought the division back to life and has been a great mentor. She works hard to be there for the leadership and care for the members. KSI is better because of her. Division Leader: KSI Rogue 7 Gamertag: @KSI Rogue 7 Forums Link: Reasons they deserve this award: Rogue is just the man. He even reaches out to other divisions to make them feel included and cared for. He listens and gives great advice to challenging issues. He has been a great role model for his division and even myself. Several of his teachings and policies I even brought into ES with me. One hell of a mentor and taught one of the best Lead classes anyone could ask for. Dude even made a whole server for all of KSI when he was a Div Lead. This guy lives, eats, and breathes KSI. Co-Founder: KSI Barb 7 Gamertag: @KSI Barb 7 Forums Link: Reasons they deserve this award: Barb has help me out as a Co-founder. My schedule has not been as open as hers so helped take a lot off my plate and more on her. She has been a great teammate and we work great as a team together. She is always there for her members and also became an Education mentor too. General: KSI VIP3R Gamertag: @KSI VIP3R [GEN] Forums Link: Reasons they deserve this award: Viper has been an outstanding general and he is always wanting to learn. Viper always listens and is great at training other members and his officers. He is basically a little Death lol. He did awesome in the Lead class and hopefully soon he can keep keep on moving up. Captain: Gamertag: KSI Squeek 7 Forums Link: @Squeek 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Squeek was the CPT that KSI always needs. She does anything she can to make things better for the squad and KSI. She is always bringing ideas to the table to help out. She loves training members and always got her tasks completed. SSGT: KSI Twistex Gamertag: @KSI Twistex Forums Link: Reasons they deserve this award: Twistex is a great SSGT. He is always wanting to help out and learn. Twistex was a LT but even stepped down to squad transfer because he saw a squad in help and transferred to help and is now getting things done in that squad.
  5. Like to see a thin blue line award. @KSI Rogue 7 would agree I believe he has one already ready
  6. We was at 25 active members after we fluffed the none active out and we got to 65. I only had 1 officer. from there rebuilt the squad to the healthiest squad in ES division and had full officer staff. took about a month to get everyone where they needed to be. Officer involved was @KSI VIP3R [GEN]
  7. KSI DEATH @KSI DEATH 77 Award: Rebounder Evidence: When I was cpt and gen of angels I rebuilt and saved the squad. @KSI TexAngel 77
  8. KSI DEATH @KSI DEATH 77 Award: Jack of All Trades Evidence: All workshops completed and lead 101
  9. I have had a Gold KSI tag and been in the community for at least 12 consecutive months *1 year*.
  10. Gamertag: KSI DEATH 77 Link to Forums Account: @KSI DEATH 77 Award: Legen- have more then 5 awards
  11. Rouge is definitely a die hard member. Rouge loves KSI and truly wants to see KSI grow and is always on everyday. Rouge has been through a lot in on personal life but always has time for his KSI Famliy. I have also seen this KSI binder Rouge made for KSI. KSI Rouge treats KSI like a full time job. If anyone should have this award it is him. Keep up the great work.
  12. Gamertag: KSI VIP3R Forums link: @KSI VIP3R [LT] Award: Train the trainer Leadership Workshop Evidence: member attended workshop hosted by myself.
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