Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Rizz 7 (Co-Fo - CS)
Link to forums account - @Rizz 7
Reasoning why they deserve this - If I would I nominate Sleepy or Nyquil but it looks like they have left. I guess Rizz will do. He has make turned this division around with 1 simple change, Daily Goals. For the last Month Rizz has implemented daily goals into the division and all anyone has seen is growth within their squads. First day of being a oblivion officer we got 6 recruits because people where pushing out their daily goals. Rizz is also a great mentor and friend within the community. If I need advice there is Rizz, if I'm struggling there is Rizz to give me advice, or even if I just want to sit down and talk to Rizz about life as we play games HE IS THERE.