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  • Birthday 04/07/2003

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  1. Gamertag/forums name: @KSI Anxiety0 @KSI 0B3Y KSI SPOOKY16 (has not yet gotten forums account is reaching out to a forums mod now to obtain help getting account) Award: Basic Training Evidence if any required (pictures are great too): Hosted by @KSIxJ0KER
  2. KSI Draco#4144 (SSGT-DM/Hellborn) @KSI Draco Reasoning: I have chosen to nominate Draco for this OTM for a lot of good reasons and I believe as you will soon that these reasons are what make Draco a phenomenal SSGT. So to start Draco is spending every ounce of his time on Xbox working on becoming a better SSGT whenever we are in a party he almost always brings up how he's always looking for new recruits to bring into Hellborn or how he is trying to improve his skills as an officer and honestly he has been Draco has worked hard to improve himself and the results are showing he's constantly in the stat chat with a recruit or a new promotion Draco has worked hard and because of this I feel he is in need of an OTM...Keep up the good work bud KSI GradOmar (SGT-DM/Hellborn) @KSI GradOmar Reasoning: Omar Omar Omar he's truly a great guy and a super SGT and their is a lot of evidence to support this. When I first met Omar I knew from the first sentence I heard I knew that we were going to get along Omar is the guy who wants to make sure everyone is ok and having a good time while playing and that even though it's not even his duty he takes the extra time to make sure everyone in Hellborn feels welcome in the squad. Omar takes the time and effort to act like an officer even though he doesn't have the title so I know that as time goes on Omar will do great things in KSI and I can't wait to see what he does, I'm rooting for you man keep it up!
  3. To pay witness to this nomination I will give you an example of this sir uppish being a drama queen for example whenever we will be in a party uppish loves to instigate people for instance in my GTA lobby I said I was going to go and blow him up with my oppressor MK 2 and he replied with bet come at me instead of stoping the situation proving that this uppish is a queen/king of drama.
  4. Gamertag/Forums name: KSI J0KER DM Award desired/needed:New member certified Evidence (if required none for this certification none) Completed individual training on the New Member Training Workshop @KSI Uppish
  5. KSI J0KER DM Demonic Mayhem KSI McNUGG3T Demonic Mayhem ksi gmc53v8 Demonic Mayhem
  6. General Gamertag (Rank-Division/Squad)-KSI Uppish(GEN/Hellborn) Link: @KSI Uppish Reasoning: For The January OTM's I'm selecting Uppish because I feel he just down right deserves it for all he does for Hellborn and me personally. For instance This month started off with a bang for me personally and Uppish helped me along to be the best LT that I could be he rose above and beyond the call of duty by helping me to understand The best ways to properly teach and train a new officer and show them how things are done in the KSI Hellborn officer corps.Not only has Uppish helped me with this task but he also gave me another amazing and humbling learning opportunity when he decided to take a chance on me and not just bring me i9n a GENs meet once but twice to help him out during the meet. And not only has Uppish been helping me this week but he has also been doing great things for the squad for example he is always setting up polices and guidelines for the squad to really make it a much safer happier and all around fun place to be.It's for these reasons that I especially feel that Uppish has worked hard and earned the january OTM.
  7. Category:General Gamertag:KSI Uppish Forums account link: @KSI Uppish Reasoning:I have chosen to nominate uppish for a few reasons actually 1 I believe uppish puts a lot of hard work and his own personal time into making sure that the Hellborn squad is being run correctly and not o let that but the best we can be it’s clear he his passionate about the community which to me is a reward in and of its self not to mention all the things he has personally done to train me in becoming the officer I am today if it weren’t for his guidance I would be no where near as knowledgeable in what it means to be an officer as I am now so uppish has my personal upmost respect from me and I think he deserves something for all he’s put into the community
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