Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI DrPeppers DM/Discord
Link to forums account - @KSI Dr.Pepper
Reasoning why the deserve this -A very nice, very knowledgeable, and respectful person. She is always around for her squad.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Lady Satan DM/Wrath
Link to forums account -@KSI LadySatan
Reasoning why the deserve this -She stepped up to plate when she was needed, shows hard work for KSI and her squad, and she is a nice lady all around.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSITripodfs1 DM/Discord
Link to forums account - @KSITripodfs1
Reasoning why they deserve this - He is always helping members rather it be information for a game or navigating in KSI. He is also a kind and patient person.