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KSI Gh0st66

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KSI Gh0st66 last won the day on January 20 2024

KSI Gh0st66 had the most liked content!


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    Mage Bro 66

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  1. Titanfall 2 I have been playing this game on Pc and will definitely be getting it on Xbox soon. Unfortunately it is not very popular in my division. The game has the perfect balance of Gunplay and smooth fast-paced movement
  2. Gamertag: KSI Wise1 @KSI wise1 gamertag: KSI Sp3CtEr @KSI Sp3CtEr Award: Basic Training Certification Any evidence of required: N/A
  3. Category: Founder Gamertag: KSI Swag 77 Forums link: @KSI Swag 7 Reasons they deserve this reward: I believe this person deserves this role because ever since he became a 7 in my division he’s been doing an amazing job and gave me and a few other officers a lot of knowledge when he was acting gen of my old squad Glory and he continues to work hard and help all the members he can Category: lieutenant Gmertag: KSI DaKeech forums link: @KSI Scar1et reason they deserve this reward: This person deserves this reward because when I worked with him in glory he always worked always knew how to hype the members up and is really good with member retention Category: Director Gamertag: KSI Skarzx 77 forums link @Scarface 77 Reason they deserve this award: this person deserves this reward because he has been an influential part of my Career as an officer. He once told me if he joins a party you will end up learning something new and he’s not wrong any time I’m in a party with him you will learn something new and you can ask him anything about being an officer and he will go in depth about anything you ask him
  4. Award: Basic Training certification Evidence attended and participated in the Basic Training workshop Host KSI Gh0st66 attendance: KSI BliTzx @KSI BliTzx KSI DaKeechZ03 @KSI DaKeechZ03
  5. Gamertag/Forums Name: KSI Ranger5142 Award Desired/Needed: New Member Certified Evidence (If Required - For this certification there is none): Completed individual training on the New Member Training Workshop, @KSI Assassin187 Can witness Link to forums profile: https://www.ksiforums.org/profile/48842-ksi-ranger5142/
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