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Everything posted by Kheelik

  1. KSI Kheelik New member certified Hosted by: KSI Sarcasm
  2. Gamertag/Forums name: @KSI Kheelik Award: new member workshop Evidence: attended workshop Person(s) who ran the workshop: @KSI DCRUNK
  3. The ordinal scale movie sword art online
  4. I'm a Carolina Panthers fan, but it's a little hard nowadays to be a Panthers fan when the quarterback can't aim for Poop and gets the ball taken every other play and always runs the ball instead of throwing it
  5. If it wasn't for KSI DCRUNK I wouldn't even be in KSI, he's helped me learn practicly everything I know about about KSI and if there's anyone in this division that deserves it it's him, he works hard, he's a friendly person, and if there's something going on and u have a question, comment, concern, idea, or anything, KSI DCRUNK is at the top of my list to go to for help and/or opinion on something, he's hands down the best mentor In KSI in my opinion
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