Gamertag:KSI WHISKEY 7
Forums Account Link / @: @KSI WHISKEY 7
Reasons they deserve this award:
He goes out of his way to help everyone that he can. Either it be on a game or RL. He always listens to problems. He has helped me a lot especially when I have questions about something he is there to answer them the best way he can.
Category: Captain
Gamertag: KSI Siren82
Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Siren82
Reasons they deserve this award:
She is awesome, she has helped me out with being an officer. she is really helpful with games and she's fun to be in a party with just hanging out. she is a good friend, and mentor.
Category: CPL
Gamertag: infinityhunt
Forums Account Link / @: @Infinityhunt
Reasons they deserve this award:
He helps out people who ask about a game quest if they are stuck on something he try's to help them the best way he can. He always joins open parties and makes himself available to other members. He offers to help practice game modes for events.
Category: LT
Gamertag: KSI JonahAlex12
Forums Account Link / @: @KSI JonahAlex12
Reasons they deserve this award:
He is a fun person to game with and makes gamenights fun. He also helps people out with quest if they are stuck and, or grinding for a particular quest.