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THE KSI Drizzle

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  1. Thanks
    THE KSI Drizzle got a reaction from KSI Stack in Chaos Syndicate Division Chat   
    Back in my day it was, “#DMMasterDiv” but go #CSElite wahoo
  2. Thanks
    THE KSI Drizzle got a reaction from KSI Uppish 7 in Chaos Syndicate Division Chat   
    Back in my day it was, “#DMMasterDiv” but go #CSElite wahoo
  3. Upvote
    THE KSI Drizzle reacted to KSIxROMEO 7 in Chaos Syndicate Division Chat   
    CS=DM jr???
  4. Haha
    THE KSI Drizzle reacted to KSIxROMEO 7 in CS - King of the Hill!   
    Yea. Its ACTUALLY me. And this is MY hill now! Lol
  5. Upvote
    THE KSI Drizzle reacted to KSIxROMEO 7 in KSI Taco StackG - OS1   
    So.. I'm not up to date on what all Stack has done recently. But, when I was around and he was coming up the ranks. This guy was a force to be reckoned with.  If it wasn't for his hard work and dedication, his squad probably would have been worse for wear. So I can say with Confidence that if that is the mentality that he is still rocking with, then NOBODY deserves this award more. 
  6. Upvote
    THE KSI Drizzle reacted to KSI Uppish 7 in KSI Taco StackG - OS1   
    KSI T StackG
    @KSI T StackG
    Outstanding Service Level 1
    Well, in case Stack's awards aren't enough for you, I'll list those and add a bit more for you. CAPTAIN OTY 2020, CPT OTM Oct. 2020, CPT DOTM Nov. 2020, LT DOTM May 2021. In case those awards weren't enough to convince you. Let me be the first to say that he's more than earned this accolade 2-3 times over. I've known Stack pretty much since he joined, we met not long after he did was recruited in June 2020. Since then, he's been a General in Wrath DM and has been a steadfast and unwavering presence for his squad since he stepped up as officer a month after he joined. Stack recruits, promotes, and trains like the experienced professional he has become over time. Stack's been through hell towards the end of DM. While him and his squad was trashed and completely isolated by the DM 7s from the rest of the Division. With no help a small officer staff they watched as those same 7s left and 200+ members of their home Division left alongside them. Then Wrath was moved to CS and Stack helped lead the charge for that process, as an officer staff, Wrath transferred the vast majority of their members within the first 72 hours of transfers opening up. Only a very small number of transfers did not make it and they were fluff anyway. Since coming to CS, Stack has once again flourished as an officer and been a crucial part of training the current Wrath Officer core, he's a larger than life presence throughout CS and well known across the Division. Stack has time and again shown his dedication and commitment to Wrath and KSI. He's an incredible member and leader who's easily earned OS Level 1.
    Love you Taco
  7. Upvote
    THE KSI Drizzle reacted to KSI Stack in KSI T StackG Friendly   
    KSI T StackG
    @KSI T StackG
    Award: Friendly 
    Evidence: I won 4 days
  8. Upvote
    THE KSI Drizzle reacted to KSI Uppish 7 in June 2021 SYTYCW   
    My mentors have been numerous tbh. But the ones who stand out the most are KSI Shockr 7, KSI Swag 77, & KSI DC 7. 
    KSI Shockr 7 taught me about how to rework my mindset and my approach to situations. He showed me why it's more important to listen than to talk, and how I should teach and train those below me. How to better approach people to try and help them be able to help me. It's a mindset and a mentality that I've carried with me for a long time now and has served me well.
    KSI Swag 77 taught me the ins and outs of being a Co-Founder and how to better apply that mindset and mentality on a Divisional level. As well as how KSI standards actually should work.
    DC has taught me a lot about KSI and its inner workings, showing me the effects of different people's actions in various scenarios and situations, and not even thru those handy dandy workshops either tbh.
    So big shout out to those 3. Shockr, @KSI Swag 77 & @KSI DC 77
  9. Like
    THE KSI Drizzle got a reaction from KSI Shockr 7 in DM FC 2020 Divisional Hall Of Fame Nominations   
    Division: Demonic Mayhem
    Gamertag: KSI Shockr 7
    Link to Profile: @KSI Shockr 7
    Qualifications: All qualifications met.
    Nominee’s Current Rank: Co-Founder
    Has Nominee been in this division for at least six (6) months? - Yes
    Has Nominee been in KSI for at least one (1) year? - Yes
    Bamboo Black Ops
    Spirit Week Participant 
    4th of July 2020
    Spirit Week 2020
    Graduate Leader
    The Elite
    Three Cheers 
    CoFounder of the Month
    Monthly 7 Spotlight 
    Spring Break 2020
    Someone Loves Me 
    Pro Recruiter
    Execute Order 77
    Round of Applause 
    Welcome to 2020
    Merry Christmas 2019
    Turkey Bowl 2019
    The Double Agent
    On Point
    Forums Newb
    Clip Commander 
    Captain OTM: Divisional
    Fall Classic 2019
    Ripple Effect
    KSI Forums Certified
    Train the Trainer Certified 
    Divisional Leadership Certified 
    Squad Leadership Certified 
    Lieutenant of the Month
    New Member Certified 
    Gamer Score Master
    Gamer Score Hoarder
    Basic Training Certified
    Shockr is honestly and easily one of the most inspiring people I know. This guy has been entangled in every part of my KSI experience from SGT - GEN. Every step of the way he’s been nothing far from a great encouragement to myself and everyone around. Since day one Shockr has had an amazing vision setup for DM. Even we were sergeants together he always said he wanted to move up and be generals together, side by side. Since day one he has been a powerful motivator to myself personally with a positive outlook on every situation. The easiest way to describe Shockr is calm, cool, and collected. However, he’s by far one of the most blunt people I know but he uses that perfectly to adapt to any condition thrown at him. Shockr is and has been a solid backbone to DM and should be eternally remembered for having such an outstanding impact on his division and all of its people not only as members but as friends, dare I say, family. Everyone around atleast knows of Shockr and his every day involvement and dedication to KSI.
  10. Upvote
    THE KSI Drizzle reacted to KSI Dr.Pepper in DM FC 2020 Divisional Hall Of Fame Nominations   
    Division: Demonic Mayhem
    Gamertag: KSI Shockr 7
    Link to Profile: @KSI Shockr 7
    Qualifications: All qualifications met.
    Nominee’s Current Rank: Co-Founder
    Has Nominee been in this division for at least six (6) months? - Yes
    Has Nominee been in KSI for at least one (1) year? - Yes
    Bamboo Black Ops
    Spirit Week Participant 
    4th of July 2020
    Spirit Week 2020
    Graduate Leader
    The Elite
    Three Cheers 
    CoFounder of the Month
    Monthly 7 Spotlight 
    Spring Break 2020
    Someone Loves Me 
    Pro Recruiter
    Execute Order 77
    Round of Applause 
    Welcome to 2020
    Merry Christmas 2019
    Turkey Bowl 2019
    The Double Agent
    On Point
    Forums Newb
    Clip Commander 
    Captain OTM: Divisional
    Fall Classic 2019
    Ripple Effect
    KSI Forums Certified
    Train the Trainer Certified 
    Divisional Leadership Certified 
    Squad Leadership Certified 
    Lieutenant of the Month
    New Member Certified 
    Gamer Score Master
    Gamer Score Hoarder
    Basic Training Certified
    Testimony: Shockr is a true stand up guy. He pulls no punches and means and stands behind what he says. Shockr truly feels for the members and always has “their” interests and needs foremost in his mind. He offers officers and members alike, a strong and supportive method of mentoring.  You can find Shockr across the division, playing and getting to know all members he crosses path with. Shockr is an excellent bridge between the 7’s staff and the officer and members. The respect he shows the members is reflected in how much the members in the division respect him. Shockr should be recognized and inducted into the Divisional Hall of Fame, because he is every bit what KSI stands for and demonstrates this daily.
  11. Upvote
    THE KSI Drizzle reacted to KSI zilla8734 in DM FC 2020 Divisional Hall Of Fame Nominations   
    Division: Demonic Mayhem
    Gamertag: KSI Shockr 7
    Link to Profile: @KSI Shockr 7
    Qualifications: All qualifications met.
    Nominee’s Current Rank: Co-Founder
    Has Nominee been in this division for at least six (6) months? - Yes
    Has Nominee been in KSI for at least one (1) year? - Yes
    Bamboo Black Ops
    Spirit Week Participant 
    4th of July 2020
    Spirit Week 2020
    Graduate Leader
    The Elite
    Three Cheers 
    CoFounder of the Month
    Monthly 7 Spotlight 
    Spring Break 2020
    Someone Loves Me 
    Pro Recruiter
    Execute Order 77
    Round of Applause 
    Welcome to 2020
    Merry Christmas 2019
    Turkey Bowl 2019
    The Double Agent
    On Point
    Forums Newb
    Clip Commander 
    Captain OTM: Divisional
    Fall Classic 2019
    Ripple Effect
    KSI Forums Certified
    Train the Trainer Certified 
    Divisional Leadership Certified 
    Squad Leadership Certified 
    Lieutenant of the Month
    New Member Certified 
    Gamer Score Master
    Gamer Score Hoarder
    Basic Training Certified
    In the time that I've been here in DM (which hasn't felt like very long to me), I've heard and seen many great things about Shockr. I myself have only met him a few times personally, but he's proven to be a kind individual and a person who's always ready to lend a hand to those who need it. I feel like those qualities make him worthy to be nominated for DM's hall of fame.
  12. Upvote
    THE KSI Drizzle reacted to KSI Uppish 7 in DM FC 2020 Divisional Hall Of Fame Nominations   
    KSI Shockr 7
    @KSI Shockr 7
    Awards: Stated above
    Shockr has been my Co-Founder for about 6 months now. And he is absolutely phenomenal! Shockr is a great teacher, he’s starts every conversation with an open mind and listens to everything. He’s great at explaining things and keeping people on the right track. He’s always available and there when you need him. A total rock among the DM 7s Staff and undoubtedly worthy of entering this amazing Division’s Hall of Fame.
  13. Upvote
    THE KSI Drizzle reacted to KSI Joe 7 in DM FC 2020 Divisional Hall Of Fame Nominations   
    Division: Demonic Mayhem
    Gamertag: KSI Shockr 7
    Link to Profile: @KSI Shockr 7
    Qualifications: All have been met.
    Nominee’s Current Rank: Co-Founder
    Has Nominee been in this division for at least six (6) months? Yes
    Has Nominee been in KSI for at least one (1) year? Yes
    Bamboo Black Ops
    Spirit Week Participant 
    4th of July 2020
    Spirit Week 2020
    Graduate Leader
    The Elite
    Three Cheers 
    Co Founder of the Month
    Monthly 7 Spotlight 
    Spring Break 2020
    Someone Loves Me 
    Pro Recruiter
    Execute Order 77
    Round of Applause 
    Welcome to 2020
    Merry Christmas 2019
    Turkey Bowl 2019
    The Double Agent
    On Point
    Forums Newb
    Clip Commander 
    Captain OTM: Divisional
    Fall Classic 2019
    Ripple Effect
    KSI Forums Certified
    Train the Trainer Certified 
    Divisional Leadership Certified 
    Squad Leadership Certified 
    Lieutenant of the Month
    New Member Certified 
    Gamer Score Master
    Gamer Score Hoarder
    Basic Training Certified 
    Shockr is a rock for all of DM, and has been since his early officer days back in the squad Cruelty. I remember him coming around multiple squads, getting to know all the members, along with playing with them. He's always showing every member what KSI is all about. To play and have fun. Shockr is very respectful and has seen DM through some tough times. He stepped up when needed on the 7 staff without hesitation, helping out and showing everyone that rank is just a responsibility. Shockr's presence around all of DM is great, and all the members respect and enjoy playing with Shockr. If anyone needs him for anything, he'll be there at the drop of a hat, so to speak. He has some really great innovative ideas, which he implements across the entire Division. He is constantly seeking out new officers, to help mold them into better Leaders. He is a great teacher. Shockr's presence and help in DM is widely recognized, and there's no better way than to show him his due, in which he truly deserves to be in the DM HoF. Thank You Shockr for all that you do for us.
  14. Upvote
    THE KSI Drizzle reacted to KSIxROMEO 7 in DM FC 2020 Divisional Hall Of Fame Nominations   
    Division: Demonic Mayhem
    Gamertag: KSI Shockr 7
    Link to Profile: @KSI Shockr 7
    Qualifications: All are met
    Nominee’s Current Rank: CoFounder
    Has Nominee been in this division for at least six (6) months? Yes
    Has Nominee been in KSI for at least one (1) year? Yes
    Bamboo Black Ops
    Spirit Week Participant 
    4th of July 2020
    Spirit Week 2020
    Graduate Leader
    The Elite
    Three Cheers 
    CoFounder of the Month
    Monthly 7 Spotlight 
    Spring Break 2020
    Someone Loves Me 
    Pro Recruiter
    Execute Order 77
    Round of Applause 
    Welcome to 2020
    Merry Christmas 2019
    Turkey Bowl 2019
    The Double Agent
    On Point
    Forums Newb
    Clip Commander 
    Captain OTM: Divisional
    Fall Classic 2019
    Ripple Effect
    KSI Forums Certified
    Train the Trainer Certified 
    Divisional Leadership Certified 
    Squad Leadership Certified 
    Lieutenant of the Month
    New Member Certified 
    Gamer Score Master
    Gamer Score Hoarder
    Basic Training Certified 
    Shockr has been one of the hardest working people I've come across in KSI. He has constantly pushed himself to do better and be better at everything he does. Without him DM wouldn't be where it is today. We went through a pretty rough patch a while back and he stepped up and filled the gap without even batting and eye. Since becoming a CoFounder he has strived to make DM better for everyone and tries to relieve anyone burdens he can. Whether that be a gamenight here or there, help with recruiting, training new members and officers, etc. Shockr is on it. He's also one hell of a secretary lol jk but he does push me to be better myself.  Noone right now is more deserving of this honor than him. 
  15. Upvote
    THE KSI Drizzle reacted to DntAskImAwfl in So You Think You Can Write - October 2019   
    Gamertag:  KSIDntAskImAwfl 
    Division: DM
    Character name: Charlie
    Character abilities/gadgets/what makes them menacing:
    Extremely good at video games and advancing in gaming community but has a very dark side to him.
    Their story:
    KSIxROMEO 7: So how's it going so far as General?
    Charlie: Its good, of course I've been taught  by the best. (Referring to the training and mentoring from Romeo)
    KSIxROMEO 7: I guess Ive told you that your up for the next 7 position along with KSI Drizzle.
    Charlie: Yes, you mentiond that last week. I just hope your sure that I have the capabilities and know how to accomplish everything that position would take.
    KSIxROMEO 7: Of course I do. You have been doing an incredible job. You keep up with the Omegas and the fluff, you have an incredible officers staff and all the members really like you. For being 88 years old that's pretty amazing.
    Charlie: Well that's great to hear. Coming from you it really means a lot. Your the best at what you do.
    KSIxROMEO 7: We might have a big problem though. Every since I told you and KSI Drizzle about considering one of you as the next 7 I haven't heard or seen him on xbox. It's kinda weird.
    Charlie: Well, maybe the whole idea scared him. It might have been just too much for him to think about.
    KSIXROMEO 7: I don't think so. He was very excited. I mean he has been working on this for awhile.  Longer then you definitely. You rose up through the ranks very quickly. If anything,  time in would be the only reason we might give it to him instead of you.
    He has gamenight tonight for his squad. I'll catch him then and see what's going on.
    That evening 
    Discord messaging
    KSIxROMEO 7: Hey MeShell could you send a reminder message on Discord and xbox to Drizzle about his gamenight tonight. I think he forgot.
    KSI MeShell 7: Sure, no problem.
    Xbox Messaging
    KSI MeShell 7 
    Hey Drizzle, just wanted to remind you that you have gamenight tonight. Please message  back if there is a problem. Thanks man
    KSI Drizzle 
    Hi, this is his sister. Just thought I should let you know. Drizzle will not be able to be a part of KSI any longer. I'm not sure how to tell you this except to just come out and say it.
    Drizzle was found dead in his bathtub last week. Its been ruled a homicide.
                            GAME OVER
    The story you have read is fictional. Any resemblance to persons living is purely coincidental. (Lol)
  16. Haha
    THE KSI Drizzle got a reaction from Shell in KSI YouTube Channel Series: Friday Fails   
    Gamertag: KSI Drizzle
    Divison: DM
    Link to Clip: https://gamerdvr.com/gamer/ksi-drizzie/video/79445599 
    Description: Romeo just doing Romeo things.
  17. Haha
    THE KSI Drizzle got a reaction from KSI LilDreamer in KSI YouTube Channel Series: Friday Fails   
    Gamertag: KSI Drizzle
    Divison: DM
    Link to Clip: https://gamerdvr.com/gamer/ksi-drizzie/video/79445599 
    Description: Romeo just doing Romeo things.
  18. Like
    THE KSI Drizzle got a reaction from KSI Shockr 7 in KSI Drizzle Self Multi-Nom   
    Name/Gamertag: KSI Drizzle
    Link to Forums Account: @Drizz
    Award: Gamerscore Hoarder, Gamerscore Master
    Evidence: I have 50042 Gamerscore
  19. Thanks
    THE KSI Drizzle got a reaction from KSIxROMEO 7 in KSIxROMEO 7 Outstanding Service 2   
    @KSIxROMEO 7
    Outstanding Service Level 2
    Romeo? What do you think when you hear that name? I'm sure many people think about the great story of Romeo and Juliet? Well, not me...or any of us here at DM for that matter. Romeo doesn't just get involved by, "Dipping his hands in a bit of everything." This man dives in head first bobbing for apples! For as long as I've been here Romeo is always around to lend a helping hand. Wether he's in a gamenight with one of the multiple squads in which he is acting general, somewhere in a party recruiting wonderful new people for said squads or even just party hopping to ensure everyone is having an amazing day and to help solve even the most minuscule of problems someone may have. He isn't just the glue that holds us together but the foundation that's keeps us strong and stable no matter the circumstances! Romeo deserves nothing less than this award, not just as an accolade but as a token of gratitude for all he has done and will undoubtedly continue to do!
  20. Upvote
    THE KSI Drizzle reacted to DntAskImAwfl in KSIxROMEO 7 Outstanding Service 2   
    I've known @KSIxROMEO 7 for 1.5 years now and I actually had the privilege of him recruiting me. He has been my trainer and my mentor since day one in KSI. Even as Div lead he has time to come back and check on each and every one of his members. He still recruits on a regular basis. He clears recruits on a regular basis. He does squad meetings on a regular basis. He does GEN meetings on a regular basis. He does sevens meetings on a regular basis. He trains new officers on a regular basis. He host gamenights on a regular basis. He post on Discord on a regular basis. He does promotions on a regular basis. He does witness statements for awards on a regular basis. He does officer meetings on a regular basis. In other words he never uses his title as Div lead to get OUT of work but is the ultimate example of going above and beyond for his division.  He never hesitates to fill in wherever the need is. He also makes each and every member of a 400+ Div feel important no matter if they have rank or not. Member retention is very important to him. He has also played a vital role in keeping each and every member of DM safe from TSB. Never putting the responsibility off on the officers but being very concerned and involved in the process. 
    Please believe me when I say that this witness statement just barely touches on everything that Romeo does for his Div. He definitely deserves this award. 
  21. Upvote
    THE KSI Drizzle reacted to KSI Uppish 7 in KSIxROMEO 7 Outstanding Service 2   
    KSIxROMEo 7
    @KSIxROMEO 7
    Outstanding Service Lvl 2
    What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? Personally, I’m not sure. But I‘ll bet that Romeo will know the answer. That’s because, like Santa, Romeo knows everything. So far in his tenure as DM’s Division Leader, he’s had to assume the role of Acting General of 2 squads, and Acting Co-Founder of 4 different squads! Currently, over Wrath, Sinister, and Venom. Romeo still recruits and promotes people for his squads. Actively engaging in officer's duties and responsibilities from SSGT to Div Lead on a daily basis. And since he has stepped in as Acting General of Sinister and Venom, both squads are beginning to flourish with new growth and new officers. Romeo also runs KSI’s largest Division by a wide margin. With 430+ members DM is thriving to say the least. With everyone recruiting and promoting Demonic Mayhem is growing bigger everyday and it’s amazing to see. This is in large part due to Romeo’s steady hand and commitment to excellence at every level. Romeo's to his members is extraordinary. He’s always involved and never far away for whatever you need. Romeo has personally been there for me on many occasions to answer questions, to talk to and hangout with, or bounce ideas off of no matter how ridiculous they may seem. (Ex: A 72 hour gamenight. Because I want the longest gamenight record). In short, KSIxROMEO 7 defines and codifies the type of strong, consistent, and high quality leadership that KSI needs on a day to day basis. He goes well above and beyond the normal duties of anyone in his rank, stepping into whatever role he's needed. And more deserving of this award than anyone else I can think of.
    Notable Awards:
    Division Leader of the Month
    Novice - Master Recruiter
    Divisional Hall of Fame (DM)
    Outstanding Service 1
    2018 Of The Year Runner-Up
    General of the Month
    General of the Month: Divisional
    KSI Mentor
  22. Like
    THE KSI Drizzle reacted to KSI Shockr 7 in KSIxROMEO 7 Outstanding Service 2   
    KSIxRomeo 7
    @KSIxROMEO 7
    ‘Outstanding Service Lvl 2
    If the conversation begins with DM, then it does not end without mentioning its DIV Lead Romeo. His name has become synonymous with the division itself, with good reason. This man goes above and beyond the call of duty to get the job done, with little regard to his own personal sacrifices and time given to make it happen. I could only begin to tell you of the countless members he has helped (myself included), but if I told you them all, this post would be endless.
    So let's touch on a few that stand out to me:
    1. His availability to his members is unparalleled: If you need something just ask and he'll do his best to see it done. Even when that means losing out on a few hours of sleep or off-time.
    2. His leadership in times of strife: Life in KSI isnt always easy, and when it's not hes always there to lift spirits and provide direction. That may be in the form of a message, a party invite, or just his good ole sense of humor but what I can tell you is that It's hard to stay in a foul mood when hes aiming to change it.
    3. His knowledge of all things KSI and more: Is there some department youd like to join? Aspiring to be an officer? Need advice on which cowboy hat to wear to your high school prom? Hes the man with all the answers. If, on the rare occasion he doesnt know. He knows someone who does.
    I've personally learned many things from Romeo, and I look forward to learning more as my own path progresses within the community. He is legendary within our Division, and an extraordinary example to follow.
  23. Like
    THE KSI Drizzle got a reaction from KSI Shockr 7 in KSIxROMEO 7 Outstanding Service 2   
    @KSIxROMEO 7
    Outstanding Service Level 2
    Romeo? What do you think when you hear that name? I'm sure many people think about the great story of Romeo and Juliet? Well, not me...or any of us here at DM for that matter. Romeo doesn't just get involved by, "Dipping his hands in a bit of everything." This man dives in head first bobbing for apples! For as long as I've been here Romeo is always around to lend a helping hand. Wether he's in a gamenight with one of the multiple squads in which he is acting general, somewhere in a party recruiting wonderful new people for said squads or even just party hopping to ensure everyone is having an amazing day and to help solve even the most minuscule of problems someone may have. He isn't just the glue that holds us together but the foundation that's keeps us strong and stable no matter the circumstances! Romeo deserves nothing less than this award, not just as an accolade but as a token of gratitude for all he has done and will undoubtedly continue to do!
  24. Like
    THE KSI Drizzle got a reaction from KSI LilDreamer in KSIxROMEO 7 Outstanding Service 2   
    @KSIxROMEO 7
    Outstanding Service Level 2
    Romeo? What do you think when you hear that name? I'm sure many people think about the great story of Romeo and Juliet? Well, not me...or any of us here at DM for that matter. Romeo doesn't just get involved by, "Dipping his hands in a bit of everything." This man dives in head first bobbing for apples! For as long as I've been here Romeo is always around to lend a helping hand. Wether he's in a gamenight with one of the multiple squads in which he is acting general, somewhere in a party recruiting wonderful new people for said squads or even just party hopping to ensure everyone is having an amazing day and to help solve even the most minuscule of problems someone may have. He isn't just the glue that holds us together but the foundation that's keeps us strong and stable no matter the circumstances! Romeo deserves nothing less than this award, not just as an accolade but as a token of gratitude for all he has done and will undoubtedly continue to do!
  25. Like
    THE KSI Drizzle got a reaction from KSI Uppish 7 in KSIxROMEO 7 Outstanding Service 2   
    @KSIxROMEO 7
    Outstanding Service Level 2
    Romeo? What do you think when you hear that name? I'm sure many people think about the great story of Romeo and Juliet? Well, not me...or any of us here at DM for that matter. Romeo doesn't just get involved by, "Dipping his hands in a bit of everything." This man dives in head first bobbing for apples! For as long as I've been here Romeo is always around to lend a helping hand. Wether he's in a gamenight with one of the multiple squads in which he is acting general, somewhere in a party recruiting wonderful new people for said squads or even just party hopping to ensure everyone is having an amazing day and to help solve even the most minuscule of problems someone may have. He isn't just the glue that holds us together but the foundation that's keeps us strong and stable no matter the circumstances! Romeo deserves nothing less than this award, not just as an accolade but as a token of gratitude for all he has done and will undoubtedly continue to do!
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