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KSI Zakrasil

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About KSI Zakrasil

  • Birthday 09/05/1993

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    South Carolina
  • Interests
    Gaming. Reading. Comedy. Fun.
  • Gamertag
    KSI Zakrasil
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Contact Methods

  • Discord
    KSI Zakrasil#8858
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KSI Zakrasil's Achievements


Newbie (1/4)



  1. Name: KSI Zakrasil Link to Forums Account: @KSI Zakrasil Award-/-Achievement: Forums Newb Reason-/-Evidence: I have posted 149 times on the forums. Name: KSI Zakrasil Link to Forums Account: @KSI Zakrasil Award-/-Achievement: Round of Applause Reason-/-Evidence: I have 33 awards on the forums. Staff Award Requested: (Included only with Meta Awards category) Tex-isms Name: KSI Zakrasil Link to Forums Account: @KSI Zakrasil Award-/-Achievement: Three cheers Reason-/-Evidence: I have 30+ awards on the forums. Staff Award Requested: (Included only with Meta Awards category) Pull the lever Crunk Name: KSI Zakrasil Link to Forums Account: @KSI Zakrasil Award-/-Achievement: Achievement Noob Reason-/-Evidence: I attained 500 Gamerscore with the month of June 2021.
  2. Name: KSI Zakrasil Link to Forums: @KSI Zakrasil Award: Gamerscore Rookie Evidence: I have already acquired 10000+ Gamerscore on my Xbox profile
  3. Name: KSI Zakrasil Link to Forums: @KSI Zakrasil Award: Gamerscore Collector Evidence: I have achieved 100,000+ Gamerscore on my Xbox account.
  4. Name: KSI Zakrasil Link to Forums Account: @KSI Zakrasil Award-/-Achievement: Round of Applause Reason-/-Evidence: I have 24 forums awards. STaff Award: All Hail the pickle King
  5. KSI Codyo OS-level 1 This guy has helped me out of some tough spots. He has helped me organize and give guidance where its needed. He is an exceptional mentor and leader and when it comes to helping and training. This guy absolutely deserves this award.
  6. Gamertag / Forums Name: KSI Cryzo / KSI ToneK7 / KSIAwareToaster / KSI N0RTH / KSI Bison Award: Basic Training Certification & Train the Trainer Certification Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too): They attended a workshop hosted by me Profile Link if possible @KSI Cryzo @ToneKushington7 @KSIAwareToaster@KSI N0RTH@KSI Bison
  7. Name: KSIAwareToasterLink to Forums Account: @KSIAwareToasterAward-/-Achievement: Basic Training & Train the Trainer CertificationsReason-/-Evidence: Attend a workshop hosted by me/4yXS Name: KSI CryzoLink to Forums Account @KSI CryzoAward-/-Achievement: Basic Training & Train the Trainer CertificationsReason-/-Evidence: Attend workshop hosted by e Name: KSI ToneK7 @ToneKushington7 Award: Basic Traing & Train the Trainer Certifications Evidence: Attended workshop hosted by me Name: KSI N0RTHLink to Forums Account: @KSI N0RTHAward-/-Achievement: Basic Training & Train the Trainer Certifications Reason-/-Evidence: Attended workshop hosted by me
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