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refined GT3 RS

Guardian Slayer
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refined GT3 RS last won the day on February 16 2020

refined GT3 RS had the most liked content!

About refined GT3 RS

  • Birthday 02/13/2002

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    refined GT3
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    KSI refined#3758

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  1. Category: SGT Gamertag: KSI Ocean Power Forums Account Link / @KSI Ocean Power Reasons they deserve this award: Let me tell ya it is an honor to know this legend of a guy. One who will be there when you most need him. One to vibe out with at 3:00 in the morning. One who cares for each and every member to there core. One who doesn't care how good or bad you are at a game he'll pick you for the team. The amount of times this man has made someone laugh or smile is mind blowing. He is the type of member everyone strives to be. DM would not be the same without him.
  2. Co-Founder KSI DntAsk 7 (Co-Fo - DM/ Sinister/Wrath) - Link to forums account - @KSI DntAsk 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Pam is a phenomenal at every aspect of her job. Whether its member retention, solving a little hiccup in Squad, listening to the members on anything they have to say irl or not she is there. She does so much for the members that goes unnoticed on the daily.
  3. Co-Founder KSI Joe 7 (CoFo - DM Venom/Cruelty) - Link to forums account - @KSI Joe 7 Reasoning why they deserve this Joe is the type of leader everyone strides to be that everyone trys to learn from. He is constantly making a difference in DM always making the best of every situation. Constantly pushing to be better to make all of us better. He is always playing with the members. Will give you a ear if you need one. Something knocks him down he will bounce right back up. Thank you for everything you do Joe!!!!
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