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KSI VIP3R [GEN] last won the day on June 15 2020

KSI VIP3R [GEN] had the most liked content!


  • Birthday 02/20/1998

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  1. Team Captain: KSI VIP3R Division: ES Teammate: KSI KingDew Division: ES Teammate: KSIDemonWolf Division: ES
  2. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI TexAngel 77 (Director ES) Link to forums account - @KSI TexAngel 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - Tex took a chance on me when Angels was in a bad spot but once I got settled in she has kind of shadowed and watched everything I have done as an officer. She is always uplifting spirits when morale is low and always praises the officers for the good things we do. Whenever a question needs to be answered she is there and she never fails to make sure we know we can come to her anytime we need to. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Shadow007 (Division Leader - ES) Link to forums account - @KSI Shadow007 Reasoning why they deserve this - From Day 1 of me becoming an officer he has been doing everything he can to help mentor me and is always there when I need an answer or advice on different situations. Always a pleasure to have in parties and makes sure that everyone has fun and jokes with everyone in a party. Overall just an amazing person and somebody I know I can always count on. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Barb 7 (Co-Founder - ES) Link to forums account - @KSI Barb130 Reasoning why they deserve this - I haven't had too much interaction with her since becoming an officer, but now that I have had the opportunity to interact and have her help out with Angels she has been very cooperative. Every question I have had she has answered to the best of her ability and did her best to help me transition into the Gen seat for Angels. Overall just an amazing Co-Founder and helps every squad in the division as much as she can. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI DEATH77 (Co-Founder - ES) Link to forums account - @KSI DEATH 77 Reasoning why the deserve this - What can I say, everything I have learned as an officer has come from this man. He came over from SL and instantly I was skeptical about it but he quickly changed my opinion and mentored, trained, and helped me get to where I am today. This guy was on top of everything with a "Lets get this going" attitude and mentality from the very beginning and even up to now. He always made sure I was aware of day to day activities and made sure I was comfortable in every rank I was in, especially when I became Gen. We built this squad and I couldn't have asked for a better Gen to help lead us the way he did. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI bongmilk (LT - ES/Angels) Link to forums account - @KSI Bongmilk Reasoning why they deserve this - Ever since he became an officer he has been very attentive, always wanting to learn, and always trying to find new ways to help the squad in any way he can. He is always there for others and does a good job leaving a positive impact on members and officers alike. When he is in Xbox parties he does everything he can to at least make everyone smile at least once and sometimes he doesn't have to try at all it just comes natural.
  3. LT Gamertag: KSI USMC0317 (LT - Angels ES) Link to forums account - https://www.ksiforums.org/profile/49931-ksi-usmc0317/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Ever since becoming a LT he has stepped up to do promotions and gather more recruits. He has also been training potential officers and being there for those who need help or assistance with anything. General Gamertag: KSI D3A7HW15H (General - Angels ES) - Link to forums account - https://www.ksiforums.org/profile/49066-ksi-d3a7hw15h/ Reasoning why the deserve this - He has made sure i am trained to one day become Gen of our squad. He makes sure everyone is all on the same page, if there is an issue we get together get it discussed and we move on. He has also helped build our squad to where its at now in a short amount of time. SGT Gamertag KSI Jokester (SGT - Angels ES) Link to forums account - https://www.ksiforums.org/profile/50315-ksi-kdawg2003/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Even though he isn’t necessarily looking to become an officer, he has stepped up and is looking to do whatever he can for the squad. He has been fully engaging with all workshops and activities he has been able to make it to. SSGT Gamertag: KSI Stryker#9566 (SSGT - Angels ES) Link to forums account - https://www.ksiforums.org/profile/50267-ksi-stryker275/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Ever before he became a SSGT in this squad he wanted to do his part on helping the squad out. He instantly got to work getting workshops and co-hosting gamenights and once he became a SSGT started to show more and more that he wants to be a part of the officer core.
  4. Gamertag/Forums name KSI Stryker @KSI Stryker275 KSI USMC0317 @KSI USMC0317 Award: Squad Leadership Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too): Attended the Squad Leadership workshop i hosted for them
  5. Gamertag/Forums name KSI Stryker @KSI Stryker275 KSI USMC0317 @KSI USMC0317 Award: Train the Trainer certification Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too): Attended Train the Trainer workshop i hosted for them
  6. Gamertag: KSI Stryker, X K Dawg 2003 X Forums link: @KSI KDawg2003, @KSI Stryker275 Award: Basic Training Evidence: members attended Basic Training Workshop hosted by me overseen by @KSI D3A7HW15H
  7. Gamertag/Forums name: @KSI VIP3R [LT] Award: New Member Evidence: Ran by @KSI D3A7HW15H on 4/10/20
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