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Everything posted by KSI DC 77

  1. KSI DC 7 @KSI DC 7 Forums Rookie, Ice Breaker, and Pave the Way Evidence: I have over 500 forums posts.
  2. May the 4th Be With You- Yes
  3. May the 4th Be With You: Verified- Yes Unfortunately we cannot accept the on point and double standard nomination until after you are awarded May the 4th Be With. Please reapply for the awards after having 15 awards already awarded. @Ronin
  4. May the 4th Be With You- Yes
  5. Senior Leader (SENIOR DIRECTOR through CEO) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Swag 77 SL Link to forums account - @KSI Swag 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - KSI Swagg 77 deserves this because of the insane amount of work that he does for his division and the community. The man probably dedicates 14 hours a day to better his division and community. He party hops so much that he is probably in upwards of 30 parties a day. This month alone he has lead SL to reach new heights to have over 420 members while encouraging his generals to actively fluff. He recruits, promotes, adds people to discord, and even adds people to the omega in order to help his generals when they are busy. He has successfully led his division throughout this month even though we had two generals step down. He actually talked both of them into reversing their decision, which helped the strength of the division. He is always preaching about member retention and practices what he preaches. He is even on the G14 Classified helping people transfer and welcoming the new members from Elysium. For these reasons I believe that KSI Swag 77 deserves Division Leader of the Month. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Rogue 7 SL Link to forums account - @KSI Rogue 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - KSI Rogue 7 is an amazing Co-Founder, and he has done so much for SL and for the community. He has actually created something called the DTC, which is a bi-weekly tournament that has a monetary prize for the winners (a monetary prize that he completely funds). He has been acting general of two squads this month, and he has helped turned those squads around to the point where they have hit the ground running and the morale has completely changed for those squads. Everyone in the division seems to love Rogue, and it is not hard to see why. He leads squads effectively, boosts morale among all squads, keeps discord activity high, and goes above and beyond his responsibilities to make SL a great place for our members. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Kakashii 77 Prestige SL Link to forums account - @Kakashii 77 Reasoning why the deserve this - KSI Kakashii 77 is one of the most veteran generals that has ever graced KSI, and this month he has proved why he deserves this award. Kakashii has led Prestige SL to become one of the strongest squads in the division. He has not done it by himself, and he will even tell you that. He is one that will give credit to others rather than take all of the credit himself, which is what makes him a fantastic leader. While Elysium continues to transfer Kakashii has led a charge for his squads officers to help Elysium officers get used to the new division. He is always training people, motivating his officers and members, and he has paid for multiple members name changes, games, and xbox live. He does this for everyone not just his squad. He puts his squad first, but he always thinks about what he can do for the division. For these reasons I believe that KSI Kakashii 77 deserves General of the Month. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xReckless Knights SL Link to forums account - @KSI xReckless Reasoning why they deserve this - KSI xReckless is one of the strongest captains in the entire community. He stepped up as acting general this past week, and the members were extremely receptive. The members love and respect him. He is always in parties with his members. He attends every workshop and gamenight. He is always looking to learn and wants to help all members grow in the community. The work he has done is amazing. The officers listen and respond well to him. He leads by example. He recruits constantly, promotes, and runs security checks. For these LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI WVUA11EN Templar SL Link to forums account - @KSI WVUA11EN Reasoning why they deserve this - KSI WVUA11EN kicks butt in all aspects of his role as a LT. His name is always popping up in the security stats channel. He is always recruiting, promoting, hanging with members, etc. He is always impressing the officers in our division, and it is no surprise why. I cannot wait to see what this member does. SSGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI MRSBLITZ Link to forums account - @KSI MRSBLITZ Reasoning why they deserve this - Although she has been part of SL for a short amount of time, I have already seen the amount of work that she has put in to acclimating herself into the new division. She has asked plenty of questions, so she can improve herself and her knowledge. She has helped transfer multiple members into the division. She is always willing to take criticism, and her officers absolutely love her because of her personality and the work that she puts into the squad. Forum Staff (ADMIN/MODS/DEPARTMENT HEADS) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Starset 7 Link to forums account - @KSI Starset 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - KSI Starset 7 does an amazing helping the forums stay up to date. He oversees the new gaming section mods and helps with the join area. He does all this while running AAP and leads as a Co-Founder in his division. Department Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Uppish 7 Link to forums account - @KSI Uppish 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Uppish has worked his butt off in AAP and in News. He has led as a senior staff in AAP and was senior staff in News before his rightfully deserved promotion to Co-Head of News. He is always doing what he can to help the news members with their articles (editing, inspiring, etc.) and helping the aap members by giving friendly reminders if they have not posted on a nomination/voting.
  6. @KSI Uppish 7 definitely meets the definition of drama. He is either the center or attention or afk. Honestly I have been around this guy in HSI, News, and AAP and he is always dramatic somehow. He is either causing a scene or randomly averting attention by screaming something. It does not surprise me that he was nominated for this award. I have somehow managed to out up with the drama that follows Uppish, which is why I am willing to drop my vote in order to witness.
  7. Unfortunately @Ronin The Multinominations section posts do not count towards ice breaker/pave the way
  8. KSI FLATLiNE @KSI FLATLiNE Novice Recruiter I can witness as his CoFounder that this member has recruited 30+ member s
  9. KSI HIPPARU @KSI HIPPARU Novice Recruiter I can witness as her Co-Founder that this member has recruited 30+ members.
  10. KSI Bambino @KSI BAMBINO Novice Recruiter and Pro Recruiter I can witness as his Co-Founder that this member has recruited 60+ members.
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