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Petty HoE
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Everything posted by KSI DC 77

  1. Drama Queen- Not at this time
  2. Round of Applause: Verified- Yes Starset vs. the World
  3. I will drop my vote to vouch for what an outstanding member Lit really is. I have been in WD only a few weeks but see the tine and effort he puts into his squad as general. He has been moved around a bit to go where squads needed him and still manages to do an amazing job. He is honest with his officers and is not afraid to admit when he is wrong/any failures. He is always asking questions so he can learn. He does this to better his squad and the division. He manages to balance his workload extremely well considering he is still in high school. He has done a lot for WD in Malice (up to captain) and Vanquish (general). He still has a lot he can learn, but he is eager to do so. He doesn't let anything stop him from meeting his goals. A lot has happened to WD in the last month yet he has been the foundation for his squad. He has led them to success even when hardships hit. For these reasons I believe that @KSI xLittio deserves OS LVL 1
  4. Member Assistance: Verified- Yes Merica: Verified- Yes Summertime Scorcher: Verified- Yes
  5. @KSI MeShell 7 can you send me the YouTube links for verification
  6. Good Samaritan 2/5 Other witnesses please come forth. @KSI Barb 7 if you have screenshots of.coses sent etc. You can also send them to me and i can verify
  7. Ripple Effect- Yes Meta: N/A until selected
  8. Legen- Yes Meta award- Yes once selected
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