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Petty HoE
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Everything posted by KSI DC 77

  1. KSIxSwag @KSIxUSMCxSWAG Committed Evidence: as his cofo I can verify this member has been a part of KSI with a KSI gamertag for a consecutive year.
  2. KSI N8iV 406 @KSI N8iV 406 Committed Evidence: As his cofo I can verify he has been in KSI with a KSI gamertag for a consecutive year.
  3. KSI DC 7 @KSI DC 7 Award Senpai Staff Award Luci's Side Evidence: I have 74 awards
  4. Halloween Spirit: Verified- Yes Thankful for You: Verified- Yes
  5. Divisional Leadership 11/21/20 Attendande: KSI Squeek 7 @Squeek 7 KSIxSWAG @KSIxUSMCxSWAG Hosted by KSI DC 7
  6. Basic training Attendance: KSI alpha @Alphatron KSI N8iV @KSI N8iV 406 Sinisterwolf @Sinisterwolf#247 Train the Trainer Attendance: KSI Alpha @Alphatron Sinisterwolf @Sinisterwolf#247
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