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Petty HoE
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Everything posted by KSI DC 77

  1. KSI Cosmic @Blakester888 Basic Training Hosted by @KSI DC 7
  2. I will gladly drop my vote to witness for such an amazing member! I will even chunk it into different sections for what @KSI Uppish 7 has done throughout his KSI career. Clan Ops- I will be honest I have only seen the man in action since January, but I have heard and seen countless events of what he has done in clan ops. The man literally sat at general for 14 months, but he never gave up and continued to better his squad. Although he deserved a Co-Founder position, he was always overlooked, yet he was never told why until during the Hydra Peace talks. This was purely just to persuade his mindset, but Uppish did not buy into the mindset. He decided to take the constructive criticism about what he needed to improve; however, he kept an open mindset when listening to people who had different views than himself when the LC was debating on whether we should start/continue peace talks, removal of Hydra from the blacklist etc. He always speaks up for his members and is willing to listen to any concerns or complaints members have. He is never afraid to speak his opinion and is always honest with everyone. He is definitely a known presence throughout the LC as well, which he has been member of since it's creation. He was finally promoted to Co-Founder with the creation of Chaos Syndicate. He is always hopping in parties and playing with members, but he does so much more than that. He has taken on new responsibilities to increase his knowledge of divisional level leadership, handling problems fairly, and continues to make decisions with an open mind. He has been making his presence more known throughout the division, which is an amazing thing to see rather than hanging with his homies/staying isolated only to Rebellion. He has definitely taken on the divisional level thinking perspective rather than focusing on one thing (problem or squad) only. He is showing more and more everyday that he is a capable leader within our community, and I think if he continues on the right path, then he could easily be a future community wide leader as well. HSI- This department is no longer open, but Uppish was the man who taught me a lot within this department. The head and co head of this department hated me because the lies the senior staff member told about me (my former general who was mad at me because I transferred squads to help another squad after she left the division). I didn't have anyone to really go to at the time, so Uppish (and Starset) took me under their wing. This gave me the courage to apply for AAP. News- He and I joined News when HSI closed down. He and I were both eager to pick News off the ground after everyone quit News and no one was really wanting to transfer to News from HSI when it closed. He took it full steam ahead and was writing and editing articles almost every week. He became senior staff immediately and eventually News Head even though he was thinking of exploring different avenues. He did this because Airborne asked him for help. He knew that without him and myself the News team would collapse, so he put his plans on hold and took over News. He made sure it ran smoothly even though it seemed like morale was at an all time low because he was experience a revolving door of members. He didn't just quit. He made sure he had a replacement, and, once Tea was ready, he gracefully retired from News and came back to AAP. AAP- I have been in AAP for a long time, and like stated in the HSI portion, thanks to Uppish (and Starset). Uppish was senior staff and taught me a lot of what I know now about this department. He has always been diligent and made sure to double-check if not triple-check all of the nominations for awards (even if they are already verified). He has actually corrected a few of the things that I have verified because of his commitment to this department and because he refuses for it to become mediocre. He sets a high standard even when he is only a "regular" member within the department. Awards: Dude has way too many, but he has the following that I am going to list: Captain OTM Divisional (x2) Drama Queen (hehe), General of the Year (2020), OTM Runner Up (2019), AAP Staff DOTM, Donor awards galore, Department Staff of the Month, Bright Idea, and all of the CEPs/Officer/Jack of All Trades/Graduate Leader, and of course last but not least DM DHOF. In all aspects of the community he has shown that he is a true leader and is there for his members. There is no stopping this member once he has mind set to something and his going to work his butt off in order to make sure that he will be successful in whatever he chooses to do. He has been capped out since I have known him, and he has been successful the entire time. I am proud that I have got to meet such an amazing person. I am more proud that I get to call Uppish my friend. He is no doubt deserving of OS 2, and one day I will make sure that I will write his entire life story to make sure he earns the honor of receiving OS 3.
  3. Squad Splitter- Yes to both
  4. KSI Alpha @Alphatron KSI Cody 7 @KSI Codyo 7 KSI Kara 7 @KSI xRaven 7 KSI O'Hara @KSI Ohana KSI PandaLeafy @Bootasious KSI Star5528 @KSI Star5528 KSI Zakrasil @KSI Zakrasil Rank Structure Workshops hosted by @KSI DC 7
  5. KSI Tangle@KSI Tangle Basic Training and Recruiting Certified Workshops hosted by @KSI DC 7
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