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Petty HoE
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Everything posted by KSI DC 77

  1. I'm dropping my vote to witness for @KSI Airborne 7. Honestly, there is so much to say about Airborne. He is by far one of the most dedicated people I have met within this community. There is never a time where he is just chilling. He is always working for this community whether it is playing with member (he has even hosted a game night recently), overseeing departments, training KSI MeShell 7 as HDM, giving advice to anyone who is in need of help, or trying to find new sponsorships like Rogue Energy and a new merch company. He does not stop working for this community and is always doing what he can to better KSI as a whole. I first met Airborne when I was in Knights SL. I was probably the most annoying person he had ever met. I was constantly hitting him up about anything and everything AAP wise. I was definitely the member that overstepped the boundaries and did not catch on to his polite "leave me alone dude". Even though I was constantly asking him questions or telling him my ideas for awards, he never brushed me aside and was always willing to answer me. He then later hired me on in the AAP department. He helped me learn the ropes, and he was a huge help when History Department/HSI/whatever you want to call it was closing. After December left he basically was running everything. He had to make tough decisions and eventually he made the ultimate decision to close HD, which was already going down and it ultimately was enough to save the News Department. He has guided quite a few Department leaders to become successful. He faced major backlash during the Hydra peace talks, and he took the brunt of it while he was getting hit from all sides. He ultimately let it roll of his back and continued to be a strong presence in our community. He has smoothed things over with other communities, helped clarify decisions to members, been a friend to anyone that has needed one, and has always been someone I could turn to in a time of need. I have no problem saying that he is a huge contributor to the success of KSI, and I can personally say I would not be where I am at today if it was not for him.
  2. Yes to both Meta awards not selected ---‐--------------------------------- Original post edited Yes to all
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