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Petty HoE
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Everything posted by KSI DC 77

  1. I was the Co-Founder over the squad when she changed her gamertag to KSI Fenny from Fennyishere Committed: Verified- Yes
  2. @KSI Airborne 7is honestly a die hard. I have witnessed several experiences events that took place that if I were him I probably would have quit. The first event that I know for a fact that I would have quit was during the Hydra Peace Talks. There were quite a few leaders, who I will not name out of courtesy, that legit led an attack on Airborne. Although I won't say everyone involved, I can tell you that there were 8 people straight up attacking/harassing Airborne. It is bad enough that 8 people were attacking him, but he had a whole divisional staff (DM) attacking him. They were saying how "oh is this what KSI has become.... oh Airborne abandoned us and is a crappy leader". They said some other choice words that I am not allowed to share in this post because of confidentiality; however, it was brutal. The second thing that would have made me quit if I were Airborne would be when the departments were struggling when he was HDM after Decmeber and then Gambit quit. He had legitimately been the head of AAP, News, and History, and he was the HDM. He had to do everything. He closed History and had to pull out all the stops to make sure News didn't collapse. The stress of all departments bearing on him even when he wasn't a full board member yet shows how much strength/perseverance that Airborne has. The last thing that I will mention showing that Airborne deserves die hard is that he had to constantly handle issues with AAP since he was the head of the department. I am in no way throwing shots at anyone in AAP, currently or past, but there were definitely plenty of times that Airborne was attacked. He was attacked because someone didn't get an award, or department members were upset with each other or him. He was constantly being accused of favoritism and elitism, and he was always being criticized because he didn't create every award that a member pitched. All in all, he was dealing with all of the B.S. in AAP, making sure departments weren't failing, overseeing multiple departments as head/acting head, and of course being attacked at every turn by one division and then by multiple people during the peace talks. He has been here for an extremely long time, and there are plenty of instances he has dealt with, and I know for a fact that I don't know all his strife.
  3. KSI ShiniXD7 @KSI ShiniXD7 KSI BEASTSOUL @KSIBeastSoul KSI JIFMAGA @JIFDRAGONWIZARD KSI Velocity @KSI VELOCITY Recruiting Certified Hosted by @KSI DC 77
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