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Petty HoE
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Everything posted by KSI DC 77

  1. Squad Splitter: Verified Yes to all
  2. Honestly, I could write a whole nonfictu8n novel about what @KSI Airborne 7has done for aap, but I'll keep it short and sweet. Airborne was a true mentor and friend. He hired me when he was the head of AAP and trained me how to get the job done correctly. Airborne was an amazing member and leader within AAP for quite sometime. He was great at his job because he was personable but he also held people accountable. He made sure that the AAP department ran smoothly and efficiently. He would always hear members suggestions and concerns. We all know of the guy that bothers someone when they have an idea.... yeah that was me with Airborne before I became a member of AAP, but instead of turning me away, he always listened to my ideas and discussed with me the practicality of it. He transformed AAP into what it became and guided starset, uppish, venum, and myself throughout the process. He trained multiple members besides us as well. He even acted as department head while HDM so that there would be a smooth transition. Airborne is by far one of the most valuable members that AAP has ever had, and I am lucky he recommended me to put in a join app. AAP has thrived because of him and for these reasons he deserves DHOF
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