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Everything posted by KSI DC 77

  1. @KSI RogueLSG88 is by far one of the most influential, nonbiased, and open minded members of KSI. He has been there to help numerous people throughout KSI. He has helped me personally and has even discussed with me about ways to improve squads as well as division interaction. When rogue makes decisions he does so with integrity. Rogue is extremely knowledgable and will voice his opinion; however, he does it in a way that welcomes others to discuss/debate ideas, rather than a "I'm right, and you're wrong" kind of way. I think this is vital because it opens up the floor for discussion, which utilizes the open door policy. I have seen him go above and beyond for members of his squad and others. He is always there to help give people advice and mentorship. I am extremely grateful and honored have had the pleasure in meeting and working with Rogue.
  2. Let me know and I'll buy mem to carry yall through. @KSI RiiOT 7
  3. Words can't describe how outstanding @Scarface 77 truly is. He goes above and beyond in almost every aspect. I know that he has helped me out tremendously, mentored me to become the officer I am today, and has helped numerpus others in our division. Skarzx has worked extremely hard in order to lead both LS and SL. He is always trying to help other members and make sure that everyone is properly trained; he even sat in on a workshop I hosted just to give me feedback after it was completed. He is a great asset to KSI and has always been a great role model and inspiration. I just completed his leadership 101 class, and I learned a tremendous amount from that class. He gives constructive criticism in a way that allows members and officers to grow rather than get upset. Even though he runs multiple divisions as a director, he also participates in department ops. It is amazing how he is able to do everything he does without getting burnt out. Every decision he makes a Senior Court Judge or a director can be tough, but he makes those decisions with integrity.
  4. KSI DCRUNK @KSI DCRUNK BASIC Have participated in July and August twitter blitz
  5. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this_ General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Codyo General KNIGHTS SL Link to forums account - @KSI Codyo Reasoning why the deserve this - Cody has run KNIGHTS SL for roughly two weeks but has transitioned extremely well into his new role. He has really stepped up and has had to make tough decisions in his first few weeks of being a general. I think he has shown true leadership by fluffing inactives that he has close friendships with; he showed no favoritism and made decisions some might not be able to make. He also is willing to help people out and goes out of his way in order to do it. He has even offered two $50 gift cards as rewards for competitions. He goes above and beyond in what he does. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI GodLevel 2CPT KNIGHTS SL Link to forums account - @KSI Godlevel Reasoning why they deserve this - Godlevel is a ridiculously dedicated and motivated Captain. It is amazing to wake up and the promo list be done, the security checks completed (after he organizes check squads), and trainings/promos completed. He literally is there for his squad. Ive seen him stay up late to help others, jump on xbox app in order to talk to members who needed someone to talk too, and handle rough situations quickly, confidently, and smoothly. I know all Captains are supposed to do these things, but Godlevel never ceases to amaze me in what he does and how he does it. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Demiwolf 2LT KNIGHTS SL Link to forums account - @Ajin Demiwolf Reasoning why they deserve this - Demi works ridiculous hours at his job, but whem he gets off, he is always online tryimg to do something. He recruits, trains, promotes, and hosts events like no other. He sactifices so much of his time doimg his officer duties and playing with other members. He collaborates well with the officers and makes all members feel welcome and important. SSGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Kheelik 3LT (promoted yesterday) KNIGHTS SL Link to forums account - @Kheelik Reasoning why they deserve this - Kheelik is the most motivated officer I have ever met. He is also one of the most enthusiastic and ready to learn officers I have ever had the privilege to work with. This man is going to go far in his KSI career. He is passionate about everything he does and cares deeply about each and every member. He is always in a party promoting, training, and playing games with the members. I am happy that I have met such an awesome person, and I am honored that I can call him a friend.
  6. Can I get I love Riiot please @KSI xKamikaze
  7. Name: KSI DCRUNK Link to Forums Account: @KSI DCRUNK Award-/-Achievement: Jack Of All Trades Reason-/-Evidence: I have all of the required awards to qualify for this award.
  8. KSI DCRUNK @KSI DCRUNK On Point Evidence: I have more than 15 awards
  9. Dude i can carry in barb assault.. Im rank five in all with a few pieces and like 17 queen kills... Havent been a member in a while cause i loaned my cousin my bank when I took a break.. Needless to say back to 0 gp instead of 400m @KSI RiiOT 7
  10. Name - KSI DCRUNK Link to Forums Account- @KSI DCRUNK Award-/-Achievement: Forums Newb Reason-/-Evidence: I've posted at least 100 times in forums
  11. Tough i would say either Moana or Sing because of the soundtracks.. And bc they are kid friendly
  12. I had quest cape... Back in december... A lot of quests came out and i was really busy.. You still play @KSI RiiOT 7?
  13. Kheelik said it best.. Panthers .. But too many issues with not having receivers.. I like the packers as well but cant believe McCarthy was released for a tantrum throwing QB
  14. Android.. Until the phone/software messes up
  15. Mac and cheese (country buffet) crab legs (seafood buffet) and of course rolls depending on buffet
  16. Netflix took a lot of things off lately.. And the Disney strsam coming will be taking more off but I dont own Hulu... But from what ive heard. I would say Hulu
  17. KSI DC 77

    DC or Marvel?

    Marvel is awesome.. But have you ever heard of batman? DC because of batman..If only the movies were made better/like the video games
  18. If i get it.. Then i might get shield
  19. Depends on genre.. If I like the beat/rythm then I'll listen to it (edm, rap, metal, rock), but if the lyrics are terrible, then I stop listening. Also depends on how many times the lyrics are repeated.
  20. Old comedy Central movies like Employee of the Month, Accepted, and Idiocracy!
  21. Gabriel Iglesias, Jim Gaffigan, John Dulaney, Bo Burnham, Jeff Dunham, and Kevin Hart
  22. Id say 90s, but i like 70s and 80s a lot. Autotune kinda makes me not like todays music
  23. Listen to everything, but if you are looking for some alt stuff I really enjoy Tally Hall (Rob Cantor), two door cinema club, oliver tree, and walk the moon
  24. @KSI xKamikaze can i have exexute order 77 please
  25. Name - KSI DCRUNK Link to Forums Account- @KSI DCRUNK Award-/-Achievement: Ripple Effect Reason-/-Evidence: I've attained ten other awards
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