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Petty HoE
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Everything posted by KSI DC 77

  1. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI R3aP3R#7625 @KSI R3aPr Awards: Basic Training, Train the Trainer, Forums Certified, Squad Leadership Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) Basic Training, Train the Trainer, Forums, and Squad Leadership workshops were hosted by me @KSI DCRUNK
  2. @Kalakoi sounds fun to me.. Might get back into it @Kalakoi add me on xbox if you want. Same as my forums name
  3. @Kalakoi are the new quests after DS2 hard/long
  4. Congrats @Kalakoi. I need to get back on myself.. Theyve added like 6 quests since I last got my quest cape after I completed Ds2 :/
  5. Gold Outstanding Service Not at this time
  6. Three Cheers Yes Execute Order 77 Yes
  7. Legen: Verified -Yes Staff Award Requested: Execute Order 77
  8. KSI WacknWabbit @KSI WacknWabbit GamerScore Master KSI WacknWabbit has 50,264 gamerscore
  9. KSI AtomicJ @AtomicJay11 GamerScore Hoarder KSI AtomicJ has 40,050 gamerscore
  10. Ripple Effect: verified- Yes Staff award- Airborne's Legion
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