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Petty HoE
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Everything posted by KSI DC 77

  1. May the 4th Be With You- Yes
  2. @KSI LiViNgLiFe unfortunately you do not have all of the requirements for the award. You will need to attain the following to be eligible: Train the Trainer, Squad Leadership, and Divisional Leadership certificates
  3. KSI Rogue 7 @KSI Rogue 7 OS LVL 2 Evidence: I will be more than happy to drop my vote to nominate one of my closest colleagues, mentors, and friends within this community. A lot of my leadership traits come from KSI Rogue 7. He has taught me more than most people will ever learn during their time in this community. In September 2019 I was transferred to his squad in order to benefit the division. Three weeks after the transfer I was promoted to general and he was promoted to Co-Founder. Although I received training in Knights SL, he completed my training, so I could be fully general ready at the time of my promotion. Things were extremely tough at times, such as when I had to rank suspend a Captain that eventually was removed from the division, yet he was there to mentor me. He would always give advice, but he allowed me to make decisions. If I made mistakes, then he was there to guide me, so I can learn from those mistakes to become a better leader. Rogue helped me tremendously when Vanguard split from Imperial (December) while I was general, and he was able to do so easily since he had literally split Prestige from Imperial 4 months prior in August 2019. The mentoring did not stop at the general level. He was one of the first people to help mentor and train me when I was promoted to Co-Founder. We may not always see eye to eye, but he is always willing to listen to other people's ideas before making a final decision. He has done this all for me, but I am not the only one that notices how outstanding Rogue is in the community. Everyone in SL knows Rogue because he is constantly jumping into parties, posting in discord, and playing games with the members. Rogue revamped SL's entire recruiting process and created what is known as the Standard Recruiting Process that every squad in SL uses when recruiting. He also did the same thing with promotions, so that training new officers, recruiting, and promotions are done efficiently by all officers and potential officers. Rogue cares about all of the members and is constantly reaching out to them to check up on their well being. He has sacrificed a lot for this community (time, money, mental health, etc.) just so he can make sure others are enjoying their time in KSI. He recently celebrated his 1 year anniversary, and since the start of his KSI career, he has been subscribed to the KSI Twitch (two weeks from a full year), which proves how much he invests into the community. He also has the following awards that are quite notable: General of the Year 2019, Co-Founder of the Month Jan. 2020, Master Recruiter, and Squad Splitter. He created the Divisional Tournament Council, which he completely funds just to promote growth, activity, and camaraderie between squads and divisions. As a co-founder he has been acting general of every SL squad (other than Elysium that just transferred into SL on 4/30/20) for a minimum of a week and a half and the maximum being six weeks. He even was acting gen of two squads at the same time for a one week period. Rogue has done a lot for this community, and it is clear that he is truly outstanding in his actions. For these reasons I believe that KSI Rogue 7 deserves OS LVL 2.
  4. Jack of All Trades: Verified- Yes
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