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Petty HoE
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Everything posted by KSI DC 77

  1. Jack of All Trades- Not at this time
  2. KSIDropp100 @DROPP100 Adavanced Training Hosted by KSI Bacchus on 4/22/22
  3. @KSI Uppish 7can you verify he has sent you evidence?
  4. KSI DC 77 @KSI DC 77 Its My Birthday People have already told me in casual chat but I'm sure 5 are willing to post in here as well
  5. KSI DC 77 @KSI DC 77 I Love Me Evidence: Sent to aap chat
  6. KSI DC 77 @KSI DC 77 GS Master, Influencer, Enlightenment, Spring Chicken, Gang Beasts (substituted for Luck of the Irish since I already have it) Evidence 50,008 GS, 24 days won, and 288 rep on forums. Spring Chicken and Gang Beast evidence sent in AAP chat.
  7. Squad Splitter- Yes to all members listed
  8. @KSI NoBealso recruiting workshop is self nomination
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