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Everything posted by KSI DC 77

  1. Halloween Spirit Awarded Bacon- Not at this time
  2. CT 201 Course Instructor: KSI DC 7 Name of Gamertag(s): KSI Cable @KSI Cable KSI DntAsk 7 @KSI DntAsk 7 KSI Fenny @Fennyishere KSI J0KER DM @KSI J0KER DM KSI NightGunner @KSI NightGunner KSI T StackG @KSI T StackG I can vouch as the CT 201 instructor that these members have attended all classes and have graduated from CT 201.
  3. Squad Leadership Workshop Attendance: KSI Alpha#1242 @Alphatron KSI Big Mack 92 @KSI Big Mack 92 KSI Boootz @Boootz KSI GoDLoPeZ @KSI GoDLoPeZ KSI N8iV 406 @KSI N8iV 406 KSIxGrizzly23 @KSIxGrizzky23 KSIxSWAG @KSIxUSMCxSWAG Hosted by KSI DC 7 Evidence: Members attended the workshop that was hosted by me.
  4. @KSI Slick 7 doesn't deserve just OS1. He deserves OS 2 as well. As an officer he was always striving to make his squad (Templar) better. He worked his way up and became general of Templar. He took the squad in a rough spot with burnt out officers, yet he was able remotivate them and build his squad to become a powerhouse within SL. He has always been firm but fair and a moderate in all situations. He is rational and thinks through everything before he makes decisions. He isn extremely passionate about his division and the community. He grew his squad to over a 100 people and when another squad was struggling without hesitation he sent 30 members and 2 officers (CPT and LT) to that squad to prevent it from dying (it is still alive today because of it) and still had 85 members and almost a full officer corps. He has always thought of the bigger picture. He trained up a fantastic officer corps and after becoming a 7 was able to train his successor to become the next co-founder after him (KSI N3WERA 7). While I was in SL he would strive to make sure that everyone was taken care of in the squads he was over. He would always hang with people and dedicate as much time as it took to resolve issues. He has been dedicated from day one. He is one of the best trainers I've seen in action and uses his knowledge/experience to guide those underneath him. As a co-founder he has been a powerhouse in training, mentoring, and guiding the officers in the squads. When he is not training he is playing with members and will make time for any of his friends. For this reason he deserves OS 1 and as I have argued OS 2 as well.
  5. @KSI L0N3W0LF Bacon is a supplemental meta award. It cannot be given with a different series so it is a not at this time Halloween Spirit Yes
  6. As Head of Education I can vouch that rogue is a member of the mentor staff
  7. Senior Leader (SENIOR DIRECTOR through CEO) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI TexAngel 77 Link to forums account - @KSI TexAngel 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - Tex isn literally taking on two divisions that need constant attention; I could argue she is overlooking two divisions that need the most support. She is a true breath of fresh air that plays a firm but fair role. She had helped WD from what I can see and has helped us pull our heads together instead of losing our minds separately that has helped guide WD. She has put her boots on the ground with us in the trenches to help guide WD on a path of recovery. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Swag 77 Link to forums account - @KSI Swag 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - he deserves this award point, blank, period. He has been an acting division leader in a division that has lost 3 squads and multiple generals and still fights theb long fight. You cannot argue the fact that he genuinely cares about his members and friends, but he is so passionate about a division he just got put over, that he asked to help out with because he wanted to do nothing more then help the community, it is borderline insane. Not knowing anything he has devoted himself to the point where any other member would have burnt themselves out and quit. Plus he is the only director so.... Swag September 2020 Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Inked 7 Link to forums account - @KSI Inked 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Inked has taken it upon herself to make sure that all members/members are held accountable for their words and actions. She is firm but fair. She is empathetic but will not bend for anyone no matter Rank or if they are friends. She has new work hours, takes care of her kids, etc, yet she still manages to get what she needs done. She is willing to tell it how it is while being honest to all (even if the truth hurts) because she wants everyone to know what things need improvement and will not accept stagnation from officers, squads, or the division itself. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Akame 7 Link to forums account - @KSI Akame 7 Reasoning why the deserve this - Akame has done a great job at getting his squad back on track. Under his leadership the squadbwent from 34 to 58 in a month (currently 56). He is compassionate and empathetic with his members. He even managed to do his job effectively even with dealing with the hectic atmosphere that Fall Classic . Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Shmur Link to forums account - @KSI Shmur Reasoning why they deserve this - Although malice lost most of its officer staff, he never gave up. Even when we had to shut the squad down he was not discouraged. He took it upon himself to help the members through the tough time and helped transfer over a majority of the members into their new squad. He works his butt off trying to recruit, do member retention, transfer, game nights, etc. He is open to new ideas and is ready to take on what this changes throws on him. Department Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Gosuko Link to forums account - @KSI Gosuko Reasoning why they deserve this - although he is newer to departments he has given it his all. He is about to be deployed to basic training an 8 days, yet he committed to streaming a few Fall Classic events with no hesitation. He even got it approved and asked me if I wanted to commentate the Rocket League event, which led to commentating several other events. He is passionate, works hard, and goes above and beyond to make sure the productions department is producing great quality but also helping not to stress other staff members out. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Amaterasu Link to forums account - @PSYCHO GAY GUY Reasoning why they deserve this - Although I left SL to help out WD he has constantly checked up to make sure I was ok. He does this for all of his friends. He attends multiple game nights (if he owns the game) and is always doing his best to liven up the party. He even tries to refer people. He is the life of the party and knows how to joke around to make members feel better when they are stressed, upset, nervous, etc. He is a fantastic member who is always active.
  8. KSI Rogue 7 @KSI Rogue 7 Bright Idea KSI Rogue 7bhas created standardized recruiting notes that are used by 3 divisions (2 up to date and one a little outdated). AAP can ask me for clarification Statistics: 66% of members use 75% of divisions use 67% of squads use Rogue do you accept this nomination
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