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Petty HoE
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Everything posted by KSI DC 77

  1. Naughty or Nice: Verified- Yes
  2. Legen-: Verified- Yes All Hail the Pickle King
  3. Dan Dan3185 KSI CaRnaGe @KSI CaRnaGe 9055 KSI DntAsk 7 @KSI DntAsk 7 KSI IZZY 7 @KSI Izzy 7 KSI Joe 7 @KSI Joe 7 KSI Shatner @KSI Shatner TDUBS414 @TDUBS414 KSI Slay @slay KSI T StackG @KSI T StackG KSIMukaTable @KSIMukaTable Basic Training and Train the Trainer Workshop Hosted by: KSI DC 7 on 1/6/21
  4. KSI DC 7 @KSI DC 7 Philanthropist Evidence sent to @KSI Starset 7
  5. KSI T StackG @KSI T StackG Forums Newb Has 115 posts on forums
  6. Probably the realistic graphics (otm) when it came to the volcano and the lake. I absolutely hated the graveyard/temple with bongo bongo
  7. Ah- pri -cot With southern drawl
  8. KSI Kakashii 77 @Kakashii 77 OS Lvl 2 (if not lvl 3 as well) Reasoning: The first time I ever met Kakashii he was the Co-Founder over Knights SL. It was his second time as a co-founder. Shortly after he became acting general for Knights because our general KSI RhubarbPie stepped down. Kakashii and I were in a party after I had just became a SGT and he was talking recruiting. I told him I could pull recruits and he told me that as much as I talked I should get 4 recruits by the end of the week. I recruited 8 people that night and 11 people in 48 hours just to show him I meant business, and that is how I met Kakashii. He trained me in a lot of things on how to become an officer, and he expected me to fulfill the role properly since he was giving me the chance to prove myself as a SSGT. He trained the entire officer staff of Knights as well as a lot of SL at the time including KSI Itachii 7, KSI Sasuke08 (SL Div Hall of Fame), KSI Toxin 7, etc. The man is a three time co-founder. He stepped up the last two times when SL was in dire need of help at squad and divisional levels. He is always willing to do what is necessary to make sure that the division and the community is a better place. He trains officers to be prepared not only for the role, but he also trains them to go above and beyond. He expects nothing but the best from his officers, and he is not afraid to tell people how he is truly feeling. One thing that makes him a great leader is that he is able to separate friendships and business. He is going to be friends with anyone that wants to be friends, but he does not play bias in decision making. He will go out of his way to train someone, but he will also make sure they are held accountable. He holds himself and others to a high standard, and he always takes responsibility for his actions/never makes excuses. Some may considered him hard nosed, but honestly, all he wants is for the community to thrive because the officers are competent in their roles. He was a huge inspiration to me and had a monumental impact on my leadership style. I wanted to emulate Kakashii within KSI because I saw how much of a great leader he was. He is one of the reasons I felt welcome into KSI and inspired me to not only change my name and become an officer but to work my hardest so that one day I could give back to the community as much as it had given me since my recruitment. Kaksashii also made a name for himself as the Leadership Council Coordinator. He originally joined the LC when Ronin was the head. He impressed Gambit (overseeing the LC orginially), Ronin, and the other board members and quickly became a name within the LC. When Gambit and Ronin left he became the next person to inherit the responsibility of the LC, and this was a rocky time for LC. Kakashii managed to inherit the LC when the Hydra peace talks were happening. Kakashii was the man responsible for keeping things civil during the peace talks (and I can honestly vouch about how difficult of a time that was because it was mass chaos in the discord and the meetings). He handled himself well and managed to listen to all opinions, concerns, comments, questions, etc. in order to make everyone feel valued at the meetings. There were times were people were heated, but Kakashii always managed to do his best at keeping his composure (minus one or two times, which is understandable for the circumstances) and moderating the debate/arguments that people were making about the peace talks. He has also overseen some pretty big things within KSI as the LCC in which I cannot disclose at this time since it is not my place. Also, due to this position he has been tasked with helping with the creation of CS and overseeing its beginnings so that the division may continue to grow and become successful as its acting Founder. Kaksahii also made a name for himself in departments ops. Although he was not in AAP the longest, he was a great member in the department until he decided that it was not longer something he wanted to pursue. Most people think of Kakashii and departments when they think of graphics. Kakashii has made probably close to 500 gamerpics, signatures, etc. for members. I have personally seen quite a bit of his work that he has done, and a lot of people within KSI are rocking a picture he made. I have rarely seen him deny a request unless it is an extremely difficult request. He is constantly helping other members at all times even when it means that he doesn't have time to do anything that he wants to do/enjoys doing. Kakashii also donates not only time (8 years in this community!!!!!!!!!) to KSI but his money as well. He boosts the discord server with nitro, he subs to the twitch regularly, and has every single monthly donation award. He also has the following notable awards: KSI Hall of Fame KSI Div Hall of Fame Pro Recruiter KSI Mentor Dedicated Die Hard Mad Max For these reasons I believe that Kakashii is definitely deserving of OS 2, and I would even argue that he deserves OS 3. Hell, I would even argue that this dude is more than deserving of Most Outstanding at this point in time. Name more than 5 other people you know that have been in KSI as long as Kakashii and that have done just as much as Kakashii/dedicated their time and energy as much as this man has. He is by far one of the best members we could have in this community, and I am so lucky I can call him not only a mentor but more importantly a friend.
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