Third times a charm right? If rogue doesn't get this award then it's very clear that no one will ever earn this award this award again and we might as well retire it. I'll be honest with yall this man has went through so much strife in his real life and in KSI and somehow he manages to make time for every member who needs him. Imagine injuring yourself at work, having to sue the company, getting fired, some personal issues dealing with marriage/getting divorced, losing over 50 pounds in a 2 month span because your body rejects anything and everything, and having to sell your house. Sounds tough? Only 40% of what rogue went through in the last two years that I've known him. You want to talk about perseverance. When he first joined KSI he was a LT after a few weeks in basically doing the Generals job. By two months he was the general, fluffing out 50% of the squad, doing all recruitment, promotions, and trainings himself, stays at the squad level bc he denied his own promotion to co-founder twice so the squad didn't die putting more burdens on his shoulders for the members. Splits his squad instead of becoming a cofo. Finally has a replacement after I transfer over.. has to deal with my stubborn ass. We split the squad 3 months after the last squad split. He's over the new squad as well which starts to tank after the split bc the break. Oh and the kicker.. whenever a squad is in dire need of helo/on the brink of shutdown/mass chaos js erupting he is the guy who gets called in to fix it all. That's just clan ops. Dude figuratively dies for education. The amount or work he does to create and revamp workshops and mentor through lead classes is phenomenal. Ngl I said it earlier and I'll say it again. if rogue doesn't get die hard after skarzx came back from retirement to witness on this.. this is his third time being nominated, and he has done all this for the community we just need to remove the award from our system
Edit: he also lost his grandmother which was the person he was the closest to and still.didnt take a damn loa. He literally brought his Xbox so the members of the community were not without. Dude is an upstanding member.. the end