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Petty HoE
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Everything posted by KSI DC 77

  1. KSI Sinon @KSI Dilf Forums Certified and Train the Trainer Certified Hosted by @KSI DC 7
  2. KSI Boootz @Boootz CT 201 Graduate, Recruiting Certified, and Rank Structure Certified I hosted the workshops and she has done the 201 course twice
  3. Department: AAP Gamertag: KSI Starset 7 Link to Profile: @KSI Starset 7 Qualifications: Nominee’s Current Rank: Head of AAP Has Nominee been in this department for at least six (6) months? Yes Has Nominee been in KSI for at least one (1) year? Yes Awards: Like all of them? For real though he has all of the CEP awards, all of the meta awards, most of the staff awards if not all of them, and more than most for all other categories. Testimony: Why does this member belong in your Department’s Hall of Fame? Please explain. Starset... mic drop. Ok for real though, Starset has been the Head of AAP for awhile... at least 9 months. Starset has done a great job to lead the AAP team to be an active and productive unit that gets things done in a timely manner. When the award system went down he and I had to award over 500 awards, which we got done in two days after the award system got back up. He has made sure that the team is always up to date on information and constantly hires people when we are in need of extra help. He looks over the department and makes sure it runs smoothly with an efficient corps. Let's not forget that Starset has gone above and beyond for this department even when he has struggled in his personal life. He always makes time for AAP and making sure this department succeeds. When people think of AAP most people think of Starset, and, honestly, a lot of people reach out to him first because he is that familiar face in AAP. I am so lucky that I got to meet Starset in HSI. I feel he was a key reason that I was accepted into AAP, and he took the time to guide me from the beginning. I appreciate the work he has done and how he has helped me grow in my department experience. For these reasons I believe that KSI Starset 7 deserves to be in the AAP DHoF.
  4. KSI AnimeCat @AnimeCat KSI Specks @KSI Speckiles KSI Yabuto @KSI Yabuto KSI Ish @KSI Ish KSI ZeRoyal @ZeWarGasBomb Basic Training and Train the Trainer Certified Workshops hosted by @KSI DC 7
  5. Gamertag: KSI Fenny @Fennyishere KSI xATHENAx @KSI xATHENAx KSI Swag 77 @KSI Swag 77 KSI Kakasii 7 @Kakashii 77 KSI xKing 77 @KSI xKing 77 KSI Airborne 7 @KSI Airborne 7 KSI Ace 7 @KSI Ace 7 KSI DropShot 7 @Mr. DropShot KSI MeShell 7 @KSI MeShell 7 KSI Rogue 7 @KSI Rogue 7 KSI Tea 7 @KSI Tea 7 KSI Uppish 7 @KSI Uppish 7 KSI JAK KNIFE 7 @KSI JAK KNIFE 7 KSI Harley 7 @KSI Harleygirl KSI Barb 7 @KSI Barb 7 KSI Slick 7 @KSI Slick 7 KSI N3WERA 7 @KSI N3WERA 7 KSI DEATH 77 @KSI DEATH 77 KSI Joe 7 @KSI Joe 7 KSI DntAsk 7 @KSI DntAsk 7 KSI Shadow007 @KSI Shadow007 KSI Food 7 @Breakfast KSI Sinon @KSI Dilf KSI TexAngel 7 @KSI TexAngel 77 KSI Draconic @KSI Draconic KSI xLittio @KSI xLittio KSI Starset 7 @KSI Starset 7 KSI VENUM 7 @VENUM 7 KSI VIP3R @KSI VIP3R [GEN] KSIxAsuma 77 @KSIxAsuma 77 KSI AnimeCat @AnimeCat KSI iChief @Chieffy KSI Mikethug @Mikethug871 KSI Bane 7 @Bane 7 KSI Ascend 7 @KSI Ascend 7 KSI Gosuko @KSI Gosuko KSI Ish @KSI Ish Award; Rank Structure Certified Workshop hosted by @KSI DC 7
  6. Die Hard- Not at this time Unfortunately there were not enough statements that explained the hardships this membe has endured that would make most people quit
  7. Fresh Start: Verified- Yes All Hail the Pickle King (substituted): Verified- Yes 2021 Donor: Verified- Yes
  8. 2021 Donor: Verified- Yes
  9. Can you provide a screenshot @KSI T StackGof this gift?
  10. Helping Hand: Verified- Yes
  11. Gamertag: KSI Fenny @Fennyishere KSI xATHENAx @KSI xATHENAx KSI Swag 77 @KSI Swag 77 KSI Kakasii 7 @Kakashii 77 KSI xKing 77 @KSI xKing 77 KSI Airborne 7 @KSI Airborne 7 KSI Ace 7 @KSI Ace 7 KSI DropShot 7 @Mr. DropShot KSI MeShell 7 @KSI MeShell 7 KSI Rogue 7 @KSI Rogue 7 KSI Tea 7 @KSI Tea 7 KSI Uppish 7 @KSI Uppish 7 KSI JAKE KNIFE 7 @KSI JAK KNIFE 7 KSI Harley 7 @KSI Harleygirl KSI Barb 7 @KSI Barb 7 KSI Slick 7 @KSI Slick 7 KSI N3WERA 7 @KSI N3WERA 7 KSI DEATH 77 @KSI DEATH 77 KSI Joe 7 @KSI Joe 7 KSI DntAsk 7 @KSI DntAsk 7 KSI Shadow007 @KSI Shadow007 KSI Food 7 @Breakfast KSI Sinon @KSI Dilf KSI TexAngel 7 @KSI TexAngel 77 KSI Draconic @KSI Draconic KSI xLittio @KSI xLittio KSI Starset 7 @KSI Starset 7 KSI VENUM 7 @VENUM 7 KSI VIP3R @KSI VIP3R [GEN] KSIxAsuma 77 @KSIxAsuma 77 AnimeCat6 @AnimeCat KSI GHIDORAH @KSI GHIDORAH KSI iChief @Chieffy KSI Mikethug @Mikethug871 KSINOTBATMAN @KSI NOT BATMAN KSI Sasuke08 @Sasuke08 KSI Bane 7 @Bane 7 KSIxRONL67x7 @KSIxRONL67x7 KSI xSwag @KSIxSWAG KSI CaRnAge 9055 @KSI CaRnaGe 9055 KSI Stone71 @KSI Stone71 KSI MercX @KSI MercX KSIDeMoNk1NG @KSIDeMoNk1NG KSI Prophet @KSI Prophet4735 KSI T StackG @KSI T StackG KSI Shatner @KSI Shatner Recruiting Workshop Certified I received feedback (LC, BOD, Info, and Education Team) or hosted the workshop for the following members Workshop Hosted by @KSI DC 7
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