Senior Leader (SENIOR DIRECTOR through CEO)
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Swag 77
Link to forums account - @KSI Swag 77
Reasoning why they deserve this - This dude is unbreakable! I cannot think of anyone more deserving of this award for March. Dude dealt with DM closing while still being an acting director, acting Div Leader, and an active Co-Founder in CS. He has had to handle more drama and bull Poop than anyone else because of his rank in the community, and he does so while smiling and laughing. He is always playing with members regardless of rank. He probably hangs out with at least 50 members a day. He is always party hopping and getting to know the members. The only time he is not party hopping is when he is in a meeting, and odds are he is in a meeting on discord and still in a party with members on xbox. It doesn't matter if he is watching tv or youtube he will still get on to talk to the members that want/need to talk to him. Dude is amazing and sets a solid foundation of what leadership is in this community.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -
Link to forums account -
Reasoning why they deserve this -
Division Leader
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Harley 7
Link to forums account - @KSI HARLEY 7
Reasoning why they deserve this - Harley is a fantastic leader. She has worked extremely hard to get WD back as strong as ever. Anarchy was able to split under her leadership and she has brought up two amazing co-founders and two generals. This month was a milestone and finally proved that WD is finally on the right track after all the crap that happened back in August of last year. She is always available for her members, and she is always hearing them out to make changes to benefit the squads and the division as a whole. She cares about her members and is always trying to teach them the proper foundation as well as continuously learning to make sure that she can provide the best experience for her members.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Uppish 7
Link to forums account - @KSI Uppish 7
Reasoning why they deserve this - He has made huge improvements as a Co-Founder in this last month. He has always done a great job at making sure things are going great in Rebellion. He is has consistently shown that he is starting to have a divisional level thinking and has opened his mindset. He is willing to learn and spread the knowledge to the members. He is now starting to be open to change, even if he might not agree with it. He has done a great job overseeing CS and now has the responsibility of not only guiding Rebellion but also Wrath. He is doing a fantastic job as a leader and he is doing a great job at holding his squads accountable and mentoring the officers within the squads all while doing a fantastic job at member retention.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Fenny
Link to forums account - @Fennyishere
Reasoning why the deserve this - Fenny is an amazing general. She has taken Doom and literally transformed it. She had to basically fire her entire officer staff and by the beginning of this month it was barebones. 2 captains (one on military LOA) 1 LT (who was demoted), and 2 SSGT (both left the community). She now has 2 CPTs (one still on military LOA), 3 LTs, and 4 SSGTs with about 7 potential officers. She is always working her ass off when it comes to getting things done in her squad. Even if she is not online, she is constantly communicating on discord. She sets goals for officers that she wishes for them to achieve. She is an amazing trainer and has trained up a fantastic officer corps that seems unstoppable. The squad has also grown about 20 members since the start of this month. She has given the squad a direction of growth and has raised the spirits and morale of all members within her squad. She has made moves that have completely transformed this squad and has strengthened the squad/division as a whole because of her decisions. She is never afraid to ask for advice and considers all of her officers opinions before making a decision; this characteristic of hers has strengthened the officer corps because the officers feel valued and feel like they are able to help make decisions. All of the members know and respect her. She is an absolutely amazing general that has got her squad in the right direction, which if things continue the way they are she will lead the squad to a split within no time (if this where to happen it would be the 2nd split to happen since I split Imperial on 12/10/2019).
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI iChief
Link to forums account - @Chieffy
Reasoning why they deserve this - Chief is an amazing captain. He is always thinking ahead. He has plans for the squad and has no problem sharing his opinions to help the squad move forward. He does a fantastic job at member retention, and he is an excellent squad meeting host. He does not ever lose his composure, which is what is expected of people in the CPT rank. He is always in parties with members, hosting game nights/workshops/meetings, and making sure that the behind the scenes stuff is getting done.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Sinon
Link to forums account - @KSI Dilf
Reasoning why they deserve this - KSI Sinon is no doubt a leading force in Doom. He hosts several game nights/workshops every week so that all members are able to learn and have a great experience within the community. KSI Sinon is leading the CS recruiting challenge with 7 recruits (3 as a LT), he has trained quite a few potential officers that have become an officer, and now a few that are looking to move up. He honestly rivals me when it comes to getting stuff done. He is the first one to jump on a promotion. I have stated multiple times "Oh I need to get this done right quick", and he leaves the party and gets it done before I have a chance to finish what I'm doing and take care of what needed to be done. Dude is a legit powerhouse that everyone in Doom seems to know and respect. I know he will do great things in this community, but he is 2nd to none at the LT rank.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Bane 7
Link to forums account - @Bane 7
Reasoning why they deserve this - Bane made me put my foot in my mouth. When he first came over to Doom he said he wanted to move back up into the officer corps. I told quite a few people it's one thing to say it, then it's another to prove yourself and do it. I had my doubts that he was actually going to put in the efforts for his promotion, and I am glad he proved me wrong. Bane has recruited, promoted, trained, hosted game nights, hosted workshops, and party hopped like no one else in Doom as a SSGT. Bane is a well known face throughout the squad, and everyone seems to get along with him. He mastered the SSGT rank and has now been promoted to LT because all of his hard work.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -
Link to forums account - @KSI Ish
Reasoning why they deserve this - KSI Ish was an amazing SGT. He is now a SSGT. He attended every workshop about three times while he was a SGT, and he was recruiting at all times. If he wasn't recruiting he was being trained or hanging with members, which is exactly what you want to see in a SGT. His willingness to learn, his activity, and his ambition to make the squad better is why he deserves this award.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI DropShot 7
Link to forums account - @Mr. DropShot
Reasoning why they deserve this -Dude does not do a single thing without weeks of preparation. Some may say T&E just hosts an event and scheduling is easy; however, that is not true at all. Drop literally plans as much as possible to make sure that everything goes off without a hitch. He also takes members opinions into consideration when it comes to game types, so all members can be happy, which boosts attendance at the events. Also the Spring Break was amazingly ran and that is because his dedication to the community is unmatched.
Department Member
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Tinc
Link to forums account - @KSI Tinc
Reasoning why they deserve this - KSI Tinc is a powerhouse in the AAP department. Dude is on top of everything. Whether it is verifying topics or speaking his mind he definitely takes the lead in most things. It is awesome to see what he has done in this department.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -Kasurto
Link to forums account - @Kasurto
Reasoning why they deserve this - He has only been in KSI for a few weeks but this guy is legit. He got put on the EK team and party hops like no ones business. He is one of the strongest CPLs in the community he jumps in my party and other leaders' parties just to hang out, which is what this community was designed for in the first place.