Rolling Subscriber: Verified- Yes
Thankful for You: Verified- Yes
Gamerscore Rookie: Verified- Yes (25,833 GS)
Forums Newb: Verified- Yes
Forums Rookie: Verified- Yes
Legen-:Verified- Yes
Ripple Effect: Verified- Yes
On Point: Verified- Yes
Round of Applause: Verified- Yes
Enduring Subscriber- Not at this time. Enduring Subscriber: "You have subscribed to the KSILive Twitch for 9 total months (Screenshot with proof including your username showing you have been subbed for that length of time to KSILive)". You have only subscribed 7 months, so you will have to sub 2 more months before eligible for Enduring Subscriber
@KSIxxr3b3l you can gain four staff or supplemental meta awards (one for each meta award: Legen-, Ripple Effect, On Point, and Round of Applause).