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AG meatytoes

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About AG meatytoes

  • Birthday 11/14/1996

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  • Rank/Title
    Retired LT

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  1. Name: KSI UNDYING same as xbox Link to Forums Account: @KSI UNDYING Award-/-Achievement:gs horder Reason-/-Evidence over 20k score
  2. Gamertag @KSI C0untry Award rank structure workshop Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) I hosted the workshop Profile Link if possible @KSI UNDYING
  3. Rank structure work shop @KSI C0untry Host KSI undying Evidence I hosted it
  4. Gt: DC 7 Fourms @DC 7 Where do I start I had trained this bright, intelligent man and look where he is he's got the skills to pay the bills this man keeps chugging when he needs to we thought each other alot and help each other all but this isnt about us it's about him now I could badger you to death about the long life story of his start but let's focus on when he was a SSGT this man wanted to be top dog he busted his ass got everything he needed to do to done and still did more he is a god dang super star and for that this is my nomation as a witness. Through good times and up he surpassed me and still makes me proud to have trained this beautiful man hes had hardships , greatness and wanting to give up and cry but he never did he never stop believing in the bigger picture and the smallest picture and that's why as witness by my hand KSI UNDYING believes that this man has earned to strive for os 3. Signed KSI UNDYING PS. never stop chugging and believing in your self crunk
  5. Train the trainer Basic training Fourms workshop Basic training All names under this have completed the said workshops above me hosted by me and taught by me @TheRaddestOne @KSI C0untryC0untryC0untC0untrC0uCC0untryC0untryC0un @KSIazzahud21(only one he doesn't have is train the trainer Edit c0untry name doesn't want to go way after his tag
  6. Gamertag KSI ANXIETY, KSI Obsession Award forums certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) workshop hosted by me @KSI UNDYING Profile Link @KSI ANXIEXTY .@KSI Obsession
  7. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ROGUE 7 COFO SL IMPERIAL Link to forums account - @KSI Rogue 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - this man has been my mentor forever his guidance made me the man I am in ksi General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - GEN SL IMPERIAL Link to forums account - @KSI DCRUNK Reasoning why the deserve this - he makes me so proud of what he has accomplish so far I remember when he was a wee little lad he has come so far Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - ksi lollipop Link to forums account - @KSI Lollipop Reasoning why they deserve this - she is one of the many backbones of imperial she bust her butt off for imperial and is a dang good officer
  8. Team Captain: KSI UNDYING Division: Dw Teammate: KSIxMotoMoto Division: dw
  9.  Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Harmony 7 2nd CAPT dw/Hannibal Link to forums account -@KSI Harmony Reasoning why they deserve this - since I met harmony she has always had that welcoming personality,willing to talk if you need it,she is an exceptional member of KSI and with that being said I am putting her up for of the month she has been an amazing person to not just me but others as well and she goes well beyond what she needs to and is just amazing in every aspect
  10. Award mentor Link to forums @KSI YeetQueen KSI YeetQueen has been there for me from the start she's making me a better person in KSI every day with out her I wouldn't be where I am today she has inspired me to one day take her place and she still inspires me day by day night by night always telling me what I did wrong how to fix it and praising me on all the good things as well she in my eyes is amazing mentor and I couldn't be happier to call her my gen she's inspired alot of us to do greater and think beyond our self and help us when we need it she is an all around an amazing mentor and I couldn't be happier. With lots of love and hugs she is top mentor material
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