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    KSI Nezumi
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  1. SSGTGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -SSGT Angels ESLink to forums account - @KSIHorserideReasoning why they deserve this - Before their promotion to Staff SGT she was consistently going above and beyond the call of duty getting recruits, being eager to learn and do what was needed to become a staff member while also being probably one of the friendliest members in the squad as she can almost constantly be found in parties with people from our squad, other squads and her recruits.
  2. 9/29/21 Host: KSI Nezumi Award: Basic Training Certified Attendance: KSI Moisty @KSI MoistyG Evidence: I hosted the workshop
  3. KSI Nezu @KSI Nezu Jack of All Trades I have all the requirments
  4. KSI Nezu @KSI Nezu Jack of All Trades I have all the requirments
  5. Co-founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Jynxie 7 Co- Link to forums account - @KSI Jynxie 7 This amazing person has worked her but off here recently... Not only has she been tending to her co-founder duties she has been filling in as acting gen since thr previous gen stepped down for personal reasons. Since that point she has been getting the squad back on its feet while pushing the officers to work better as a team.
  6. Gamertag / Forums Name: KSI KaistauNZ Award: Basic Training  Any evidence: Attended a workshop hosted by myself Profile Link if possible @KaistauNZ
  7. Gamertag/Forums Username: KSI Sir Berry KSI PUFFPUFF1 Award Desired Train the Trainer Certification Any evidence if required Link to Forums account: @KSI Sir Berry @KSI PUFF PUFF
  8. Gamertag: KSI Nezu Award desired/needed: new member certified Evidence: Individual new member certified done with @KSI Siggy
  9. I'll witness So I first met Nagi at my recruitment as I was a forums new recruit.... He was still a captain in Angels but was running the squad with minor assistance from the Acting gen. The man is doing stuff for KSI 13 or 14 hours a day even though he is now Gen of Angels and could easily delegate a lot of the stuff out he chooses to take on most the work and weight all the while still having a incomplete officer staff... Which he ia working to rectify by working with non officer members in hopes of grooming them to be potential officer staff some day... Anyways the man works his fingers to the bone to ensure that everything with in the squad is running smooth and seamless.
  10. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Nagisa (GEN- Angels/ES) Link to forums account - @KSI Nagisa Dude goes above and beyond what is required as gen while he does delegate tasks the totem pole he still takes a majority for himself while still maintaining activity and checking in with his squad and officers on a daily basis.
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