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KSI Rogue 7

The Shadow Realm
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Everything posted by KSI Rogue 7

  1. Gamertag: KSI Rogue 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Rogue 7 Award: Good Karma Reason/Evidence: Member has 100 + reputation
  2. Gamertag: KSI xATHENAx Link to Forums Account: @KSI xATHENAx Award: Novice Recruiter Reason/Evidence: As SL's Director and former overseeing 7, I can verify that Athena has Recruited / Aided 30 Recruitments
  3. Approachable (Verified): Yes
  4. Award Senpai (Verified): Yes Airborne's Legion: Yes
  5. KSI 2020 Of The Year Award Nominations Senior Leader (Board Of Directors, Senior Directors): Gamertag: KSI TexAngel 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI TexAngel 77 Reasons they deserve this award: Since becoming a Senior Director she has been all over the place. Voice for Clan Ops and yet still on the battlefield helping revamp and lead divisions. Taking over so many hats due to a diminished Director team and still chugging forward. The level of stress that Senior Leadership experiences can make anyone want to run the other way. Her resilience has stood still through it all. Truly one of the best Senior leaders we have. Director: Gamertag: KSI Swag 77 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Swag 77 Reasons they deserve this award: Swag has truly excelled in his position as a Director. He has been helping SO many divisions since his promotion. He never backs down from a challenge and is always willing and wanting to meet new members and play with anyone. His fun goofy Uncle vibe makes others smile and laugh. He has made positive changes to the community due to his leadership. Without Swag’s mentorship, there would not be as many incredible leaders here in KSI. ALL HAIL THE PICKLE KING! Co-Founder: Gamertag: KSI Slick 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Slick 7 Reasons they deserve this award: 2020 has been the evolution year of KSI Slick 7. His successful progression up the ranks were a sight to see. So much unlocked potential building. I saw this “X factor” like none other in this man. Before he even made a name for himself in his squad, I had this deep pit in my stomach and I can remember vividly telling my fellow 7s, “This is the guy, this is the future leadership in KSI”. Sure enough he became a much deserved CoFounder. During his time as a CoFo, Slick has never backed down from a challenge to big or small. He is a logistical beast, on point in every situation, level-headed and extremely professional. He was acting General in Knights SL twice and each time he rebuilt and trained the officer corps, he grew the squad, keep it healthy and gave it his all. He wanted to give it one last hoorah and he generated a hell of an active and healthy squad. He is always on his tasks and is a beam of light in SL. Slick is highly respected in SL and his mentorship has built up 2 more CoFos and a General in Templar since they were CPTs and LTs. He plays with anyone and everyone, gives his super useful and wise counsel, and truly treats others as brothers and sisters. This guy can not only lead the horse to water, but he can also damn near make him drink too due to his positive and uplifting nature. From his incredible analogies that bring a comedic yet clear understanding, to his drive to better the community and create amazing leaders. I am extremely proud to have been and still be in his presence each day. The sky is the limit with this man. General: Gamertag: KSI N3WERA 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI N3WERA 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Out of every General I have experienced; being a General came naturally to N3WERA. There was NOTHING that this man didn’t do. He was always on time with Gen Check Ins, meeting notes, Omega, etc. Always training, always recruiting, and continued to build a badass and STRONG powerhouse squad. Templar needed NO micromanagement. It was a well oiled and fully running machine. N3WERA helped build one of SL’s strongest officer corps. You tell him “Hey I’d love to see 5 recruit this week” He would be like bet and he’d get his team to crank out more than you ever asked for. Templar was about 120 members strong at one point. The largest squad in 1.5 years of SL’s history. Logistically – God Tier. Potential – Unmatched. Loyal Friend – Like none other. Captain: Gamertag: KSI WuTang 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Wu Tang 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Super Captain simple as that. Even with this man’s crazy 50+ hour work schedule he did not miss a single beat. He was always learning, always training, always growing into the A-MAIZE-ING leader he is today. True definition of Time Management as well. Heavy hitter in recruiting consistently and on point with every aspect a Captain does and then some. It was a no brainer that KSI WuTang 7 (formerly known as KSI WVUA11en) would be the upcoming leadership not only in his squad but in this division as well. This guy plays with anyone and will help any member catch a WarZone win. He is always there for the members and has an eagerness to do all he can for KSI. Lieutenant: Gamertag: KSI xATHENAx Forums Account Link / @: @KSI xATHENAx Reasons they deserve this award: Throughout my time in KSI, I have seen many Lieutenants. Some have come in, done well, and gone. Some have succeeded and become Gens and 7s. But… There is no one like KSI xATHENAx. The Mega Officer. I first met Athena when she was a CPL and I talked to her about the possibility of changing her name to reflect KSI. With her sort of on the fence about it, I challenged her to a night of 1v1 Gunfight to claim a $10 gift card for a name change. This is where I first experienced her positive and friendly demeanor. Even though it was close, she whooped my butt and claimed the name change. From that moment on, I encouraged her about possibly becoming an officer one day. Even though she was hesitant at first, eventually her colors and light started to shine as a SGT and she became an officer shortly afterward. As a lieutenant there was nothing that she could not do. Prestige was okay but just plateauing. Just kind of there. Not much really happening but not dead, just more or less stagnant and continuing. Now enters Athena. Suddenly this young woman revitalizes the squad in every area. No one matches her member retention, party-busting gamenights sometimes twice in a day with new members. She is welcoming to every member and her name has definitely been heard throughout the other divisions. Members from all over have gamed with her or been a part of her Gunfight gamenights. Everyone always has a great time, and they feel included. She is the squad’s head recruiter meaning she can knock out weekly squad goals herself alone not including helping others learn to do recruiting. Because of her influence, she is the face of Prestige. With that, a few incredible individuals have been directly mentored by her. KSI KHOSEC, KSI Bearded1, KSI Shrimp not including the longest potential officer list I have seen in forever. She has successfully trained many officers and even officers in other squads during her workshops. Honestly, she not only revitalized her squad but the division as a whole. She is a sponge for more knowledge, she consistently reaches out to me and the other leaders for growth advice and is continuously trying to learn as much as she can to become a good, fair, and successful leader in KSI. She attended my LEAD101s and her responses were spot on. The notes she was taking proves the incredible student she is. Her communication amongst fellow officers is above any other LT. She became a part of the Leadership Council and is involved in so much. To put it plainly, KSI xATHENAx was CoFounder-capable as an LT. I know that is a huge stretch, but it is beyond truth. I have seen her more successful as an officer and LT when it comes to squad engagement, upholding example leadership, member retention, training, learning, squad management, officer delegation, event hosting etc then most Generals and even 7s Staff I have encountered in 2020. If she continues down this path she is on, I only imagine the wonders that she will create. She had far outreached the expectations, responsibilities, and duties as a LT 100 times over. As I stated in the beginning, there are many amazing Lieutenants in KSI and many are deserving of recognition for their various achievements. But when I think of Lieutenant of the YEAR for 2020, her name resounds 1 million miles left, right, up, down, and everywhere in between. Her achievements and work ethic speak volumes about her leadership and time as a LT but there is one more I want to point out. She is a great friend to all. She is there for everyone. In good times and in bad she can be called upon. She is an example of what it means to be a family in KSI. I could not be prouder of her and foresee greatness surrounding her name. SSGT: Gamertag: KSI KHOSEC Forums Account Link / @: @COD3SILVER Reasons they deserve this award: KSI KHOSEC is part of the next generation of leadership. He has a positive and friendly attitude, he trains others as if he has been doing it for years and makes workshops personable. Recruited and mentored by KSI xATHENAx, so the quality of this man is above reproof. As a SSGT he was tackling any challenge that came his way. He is always down to learn more and even asks the hard questions that most others would miss. I can’t wait to see his leadership dynamic continue. SGT: Gamertag: KSI Sasuke08 Forums Account Link / @: @Sasuke08 Reasons they deserve this award: KSI Sasuke08 is one of the most well rounded and knowledgeable SGTs I know. From his officer experience to his continual aide to almost anyone, he is the SGT Of The Year for 2020. Due to his expertise and dedication to keep training others, he is the SL Training Officer for the division. He is always around and even though he has a 13-hour time difference since he is stationed in Japan, you can still see him partaking in so much with all the members. He is a great trainer, funny, welcoming, and friendly to all. You see him in almost every major gamenight across the division and is out there most of the time doing better member retention than officers by 10 fold. No matter what his circumstances are, he still remains a strong SGT in SL. He also was awarded SL Hall of Fame this year. That alone should tell you his dedication to the community, his knowledge and experience, and his abilities. Department Head: Gamertag: KSI Starset 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Starset 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Starset has been an amazing Department Head in AAP. He is accepting of everyone, know his way around everything and due to his overall experience as a Forums Mod, former CoFounder and a Department Head, he has to be one of the most well rounded heads currently. He is always open to suggestions and helps a lot with different questions. Even when AAP was down, he was doing all he could to get a fix and push AAP to the next level. I’m excited to see what plans are in store for AAP. Department Member: Gamertag: Loyalty Paradox Forums Account Link / @: @Loyalty Paradox Reasons they deserve this award: This man right here is ON POINT. He constantly encourages AAP involvement amongst the staff and he reaches out to members to help them obtain new awards. He is pushing announcements throughout the division, answers any questions about the Department and has been great at driving conversation and communication in AAP. Most recently became a Co-Head for his passion and dedication to the department. Forums Staff (Mods, Senior Mods, Admins): Gamertag: KSI DropShot 7 Forums Account Link / @: @Mr. DropShot Reasons they deserve this award: Extremely helpful anytime I've ever needed anything Forums based. From access requests, to profile and account issues, helping me create my forums group etc. He is always there and quite punctual too. Quick to respond and handle topics very efficiently. Thank you to all other Senior Leaders, 7s, Generals, Officers, Web Ops and Dept Ops staff. Each one of you continue to pave the way for the future of KSI.
  6. Gamertag is KSI Drastic#1557 Gamerscore Hoarder (Verified): Yes
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