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KSI Rogue 7

The Shadow Realm
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Everything posted by KSI Rogue 7

  1. Android has some of the best cameras though!! Between my girlfriends camera and mine, Mine dominates.
  2. Mexican still tops the food charts
  3. My Netflix account has been hacked multiple times.
  4. I want to start learning how to play bass
  5. Been hitting a lot of Country lately personally.
  6. I'm going through the Harry Potter series right now.
  7. Twister was a road trip favorite for my family
  8. Nice. Good theme music in there too. N64 had some of the best.
  9. Yeah no, won't do the spiders. The scorpions are cool to look at and funny thing is that I'd hold a scorpions 10x faster than touching a spider... @KSI HIPPARU
  10. Haha. I'm a big dog lover, but I too love a lot of pets. But you lost me at scorpions and spiders. HELL TO THE F*ING NO @KSI HIPPARU
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