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LPK Lollipop

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About LPK Lollipop

  • Birthday 01/28/1995

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    LPK Lollipop
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  1. Yay spirit week go WD. Best of luck to everyone
  2. Gamertag/Forums: KSI AtomicJ @AtomicJay11 KSI Drake @KSI Drake#4324 KSI Pandaleafy @Bootasious KSIxNave @KSIxNave Award: Forums certified, basic taining, train the trainer Evidence: these members attended all 3 workshops hosted by KSI Lollipop
  3. Name: KSI DC 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI DC 7 Award-/-Achievement: OS2 Reason-/-Evidence :KSI DC 7 is a phenomenal person. He represents KSI as a respectable community. He helps all of us be better. He has helped me myself learn to be a leader, he takes time to help everyone in all the squads of SL. He has many great accomplishments such as Pro recruiter. Captain of the Year Runner Up, Squad Splitter, and Trainer. He stands as a solid role model for aspiring officers. I believe DC 7 is the best at doing what he does. He is patient and kind but firm. He has helped our division grow and stand strong. He has helped Imperial rise up to become the self sufficient squad it once was. Oh and leads by example. He continues to recruit and help train members because he cares about the members, he makes a habit of joining parties with people so they don't feel left out. He inspires all of us to be the best we can everyday and do what we need to succeed When he was GEN he cared about the squad like family. Now that he is a CO-FO he puts forth that same mentality to the entire division.I am proud to stand and call him my CO-FO. If anyone deserves this award its him.
  4. KSI ANXIETY @KSI ANXIEXTY Train the trainer Attended a workshop hosted by myself
  5. Skarzx is am amazing person. He does everything he can to help others. When i first joined i remember he helped me find my place even gave me some training when i first became an officer the first time. He games with others and makes everyone feel welcome. Everybody knows who he is and both love and respect him. Without him our division would not be the same. He has done so much for all of us. If anyone deserves this it is him.
  6. General KSI DCRUNK ( General Imperial SL) @KSI DCRUNK He deserves this because he has done so much for the squad. Without him here i don't think the squad would have as much success as it does.he helps everyone feel accepted and happy. He pushes us officers to be better and strives for the success of imperial. Under his leadership we have grown so much. He has even helped me overcome some personal issues i had a made me a more positive and confident person. He deserves this more than anyone else.
  7. KSI MATTZ Basic training Attended workshop hosted by KSI Lollipop @KSI MATTZ
  8. KSI MATTZ and KSI kenny93 Train the trainer Attended workshop hosted by KSI Lollipop @Kennyruttan93 @KSI MATTZ
  9. Category: General Gamertag: KSI Rogue 7 Forums Account Link / @KSI Rogue 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Rogue has given so much to help make imperial what it is. He has spent so much time and energy making everyone happy. He is always there when you meed him and there is no better person for this award.
  10. Grifful is an amazing person who helps everyone! He does everything he can to make everyone better. Even after i went through a hard time he helped me through it and ma!e me belive i can do anything. He deserves this and more.
  11. KSI Lollipop New member certified Evidence: see photo Person who ran workshop: KSI Scotty
  12. Captain KSI MagisShadow CPT/SL/Royalty @KSI MagicShadow She is always helpful to me and everyone who needs help. She is a great trainer and a wonderful friend.
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