Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Hatter 77 (GEN/ES)
Link to forums account - @Hatter 77
Reasoning why the deserve this - Hatter has been amazing person since my recuitment and also been very supportive with my questions or concerns. Hatter has helped many of with our my training to become an SSGT and has taken plenty of time out of her personal life to help me and the squad. She is very cool, calm and collective when it comes to problems. She also looks at everything with an open mind. She Is very understanding that we all have lives as well as our commitment to KSi. Family comes first and she still does her best to help us as squad and division as well.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Jynxie (CPT/ES)
Link to forums account - @KSI Jynxie
Reasoning why they deserve this - when i was recruited into KSI Jynxie was straight away playing games with me and getting to know me. Jynxie went over and above to the point that she sent me notes to read to help with my progression within KSI to my current position. Jynxie is always willing to help anyone out that she can. She as well has pushed me to become a SSGT an has provided me the tools to become the best I can. Jynxie as well has take time away from her family to make sure what needs to be done get done.
Both are truly: Leaders by example.