Well Hello Jets fan, I am a Seattle Seahawks fan! Jumped on the band wagon awhile back and forgot to hop off. Haha Just kidding! I have been for a long while now.
Gamertag / Forums Name: KSI Tallonss
Link to Forums Account: @KSI Tallonss
Award-/-Achievement: New Member Certified
Person who ran the workshop: Attended the new member workshop hosted by @KSI Joe 7
Squad: Cruelty DM
Name: KSI Tallonss
Link to Forums Account: @KSI Tallonss
Award-/-Achievement: New Member Certified
Reason-/-Evidence: Attended the new member workshop hosted by KSI Joe 7.
Squad: Cruelty DM
Hello AAP! I had a few questions about certain awards listed.
My first question being is it still possible to obtain shop awards?
Do we still have Donations Drives in KSI in 2019?
Thank you AAP for all that you do!
Name: KSI Tallonss
Link to Forums Account: @KSI Tallonss
Award-/-Achievement: Gamerscore Hoarder
Reason-/-Evidence:Member has a gamerscore of 20137 atm.
GT: KSI Tallonss