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KSI Sub 7

Lin Kuei
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Everything posted by KSI Sub 7

  1. As senior staff member in AAP I can verify that this member has been in the department longer than a month
  2. Name: KSI SubZero Link to Forums Account: @SubZero Award-/-Achievement : Big Kahuna, got tea? Reason-/-Evidence: I have 81 awards on the forums
  3. Department Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - (CS/Rebellion) KSI Raccoon7 AAP Staff Link to forums account - @KSI Raccoon7 Reasoning why they deserve this - This member has really stepped up this last month. we had to start pushing OTMs. I can honestly say this member showed alot of passion by being able to successfully push all of these aspects out while continuing to vote and verify awards. This man was on pace with me and LeviMOFB which is hard to do most of the month. This member has also has been helping members to see if they eligible for any awards and been super active in the department and has been asking me or levi if we need any help with anything
  4. Fresh meat (verified) - Yes legen (verified) - Yes Ripple effect (verified) - Yes For honor - Yea Insomnia - Yes
  5. Happy birthday homie hope have a great day. it’s my birthday (Verified) - yes
  6. On point (verified) - yes Round of applause (verified) - yes Mac ‘N’ Cheese - yes Support group - yes Rising Star (verified) - Yes
  7. Gamertag: KSI Subzero Link to forums: @SubZero Award: Achievement noob Evidence/reason: Send evidence to KSI Togax
  8. On point (verified that this award was skipped) - Yes stitch & eevee - Yes
  9. Gamertag: KSI Subzero Link to forums: @SubZero Award: Forum Addict Evidence/reason: Send evidence to KSI Togax
  10. @KSIxAsuma 77 can you please verify that this member has been apart of production for at least month
  11. Gamertag: KSI SubZero Link to Forums Account: @SubZero Award: people magnet reason/evidence: I have won the day 17 times
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