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KSI Lancer

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KSI Lancer last won the day on April 18 2020

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About KSI Lancer

  • Birthday 03/07/1990

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    KSI Lancer
  • Date Recruited
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  • Rank/Title
    2nd Liutenant

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  1. I really don't know any other member deserving of this than Romeo, so I will witness to this as well. @KSIxROMEO 7 Has been there for multiple members of DM, and by multiple I would have to use 100's of people's fingers to count how many people Romeo has taken the time to work with and/or help with the community including myself, anytime there's been an issue he always worked quickly and diligently to handle it. He has made countless sacrifices and strives to make KSI and DM a safe place place for literally thousands of people along with the rest of the 7's staff, and I could not ask for a better xbox gaming community than the one he provided me with the day he asked me to join, had I known years ago that this the case I probably would be approaching my 4th or 5th year in KSI. Keep up the good work Romeo, and never change man.
  2. @KSI DntAsk 7 Pam has been a blessing and mentor to me since I first came into contact with KSI since BLOPS 3 came out. Same thing with @KSIxROMEO 7. In numerous events both have gone out of their way to take me to the side to give me advice and how to be a good liutenant. To say I'm thankful and grateful is an understatement it's more like you guys and gals gave me a home away from home. Keep up the phenomenal work, and I'll hopefully see you both soon.
  3. Jake has been super helpful to me when I just got back into Warframe, and made the game actually pretty fun for myself and a handful of other people as well, way to go and keep it up man, you're the bomb. @KSI JAK KNIFE 7
  4. Div Leader KSIxRomeo 7(Division Leader, DM) @KSIxROMEO 7 Since being recruited into KSI, I got to watch somebody start to climb the upper echelon of ranks from 7 to where he is now. Not only taking a part in running a squad single handedly but also working on the day to day to help all the squads of DM come together and work on our growth. Take a bow Romeo you've earned it. Co-Founder KSI MeShell 7 (Co-Founder, DM) @KSI MeShell 7 MeShell works around the clock irl, but still manages to be a major contributor and factor along with Soap on the production's team. She's a valuable asset on and off the field when gaming together, and also works to help things go smoothly on the day to day operations. It's been a pleasure to work alongside her as well General KSI Shocker (General, Cruelty, DM) @KSI Shocker Shocker told me since day 1 he was going to be a General of Cruelty. I didn't take it as bigheadedness but more of a promise. He's always working on making sure everybody feels comfortable but also comfortable with challenging themselves to overcome whatever odds and obstacles we face and I'd say it's been an honor to get to hang out while watching as he takes one hell of a stand to recruit and get things going for our squad as a whole.
  6. Gamertag: KSIRonin Division: Demonic Mayhem
  7. Member Nominee GT/Rank/Division/Squad - KSI Tallonss (SSGT/DM/Cruelty) Link: @KSI Tallonss Reason Why: Tallonss was one of the first members who I met upon being recruited into KSI, and it has been an honor to work alongside him. Always bustling with good ideas, he has made it to SSGT, and getting to see his strengths and despite a slight nervousness and overcoming that, can tell he is a fantastic SSGT, a good ear and friend, and I know he will continue to be a fantastic source of inspiration within Cruelty. Captain Nominee KSI FireHeart 7 GT/Rank/Division/Squad - KSI FireHeart7 (4CPT/DM/Cruelty) Link - @KSI FireHeart 7 Reasons Why: For the amount of time I have known FireHeart, he's always provided good insight on how our squads day to day goes, always making people laugh, and trying his best to keep a positive mental attitude while maintaining his duties as a streamer but also with his other duties. Keep up the good work man. Founder Nominee KSI Romeo 7 GT/Rank/Division - KSIxROMEO 7 (DM/Founder) Reason Why: With having been with KSI for a limited amount of time, with how much I've progressed, Romeo has been kind of like a mentor to me, ironically enough with he's the person who recruited me in. He is always reaching out to fellow members while being a good friend and a lending ear despite what he may be doing, and being a continued source of inspiration within the community and being an outstanding leader type. If anybody deserves a round of applause, take a bow. General Nominee KSI MeShell 7 GT(Rank/Division/Squad) - KSI MeShell7 (General/DM/Cruelty) Reason Why: MeShell, don't know where to even begin. You've been a fantastic leader to work alongside and looking forward to continuing that. Your always very up to date when it comes to certain members and making sure everybody is doing alright, it's a relief to have a leader who not only has a wonderful way of being there and being a wonderful friend. Here's to KSI, yourself, Maude, and Panda, may rngesus bless you in your pursuits 100%
  8. Team Captain: KSI Tantrum Division: DM Teammate: KSI Ronin9 Division: DM
  9. Team Captain: KSI TyraTreXxus Div: DM Member: KSI BlazeCoMay Div: DM Member: KSIRonin Div: DM
  10. •Gamertag/Forums Name: KSIRonin •Award Desired/Needed: New Member Certified •Evidence(if required - For this certification there is none): Was told its un-needed 5 times, not trying to make anybody repeat themselves again •Link(to forum's profile): http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/47682-ksi-ronin9/
  11. KSIRonin Demonic Mayhem (just a heads up I work until 8:30 that night so I may not be online until at least 9)
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