Gamertag: KSI T1ger 77
Link: @KSI Tiger 77
Reason/why: KSI Tiger deserves this award because she is always helping people taking care of everything she has to she tries to get more people active and tries to be there for everyone and always helps whoever needs help
Gamertag/Forums name: @KSI Iced Ares
Evidence: KSI iStoNeD JAM hosted workshop
Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI iStoned JAM
LINK @Istonedjam
Award OS LVL 1
Jam is and amazing officer he has helped me out so much and desrves it he is always trying to be active and help others as much as possible and takes time to help people out when they need it
gamertag: KSI Hypes
link: @KSI Hypes
Reason: Hypes he been there if ive had a question about something. He told me about kai and introduced me to most the people i have met and taught me about ksi and got me interested in joining without him talking to me about it i wouldnt be in this clan so i feel i should nominate him since i would not even know about ksi if it werent for him